Our Team

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Staff & Team

The Bef Academy Management performs its work with passion and full commitment to ensure the appropriate running of a renowned and promising school of international standards. With clear advice and insights about trends from the Board of Advisors coupled with strategic direction and oversight by the Board of Trustees, the school is able to deliver the best in higher education

Board of Advisors

We work tirelessly and proactively to build a credible Board of Advisors composed of talented Cameroonians, International business leaders and academics who understand, and can successfully traverse the complexities of the local and global business environment. Ultimately, the Board gives advice and recommendations to Bef Academy leadership, management, and board of trustees about the business climate.

We Have Created A Unique Visual System

The Board of Trustees is made up of distinguished academic and business professionals to oversee the affairs of The Bef Academy. The Board of Trustees deliberates on and resolves issues of utmost importance for the growth of the Bef Academy. It is the supreme body, which appoints the top management officers of the school, reviews, approves the school policies, and ensures the stakeholders’ best interest.


Our team

Our team is composed of passionate educators, advisors, and experts who are committed to empowering you, providing guidance, and ensuring that your experience at Bef Academy is both enriching and transformative.