What I hear, I forget, what I see, I remember, but what I do, I understand”. Confucius

 In an effort to enhance administrative communication skills, BefAcademy’s expert facilitators conducted an intensive two-week training program for the staff members of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) on the art of writing administrative letters. From the 4th to the 28th of September, 2023, the training, which took place in the KOICA Cameroon Office in Bastos, Yaoundé, equipped English and French speaking participants with invaluable knowledge and techniques to improve their letter writing proficiency.

The training seminar was realized by an experienced team from BefAcademy and coordinated by its Director who doubles as the Pedagogic Inspector in Charge of Teaching and Promotion of Bilingualism, K.K. Bonteh. The training was equally facilitated by Mr. Christopher Azibo, Lecturer of ASTI in the University of Buea; Madam Ano Beatrice, Pedagogic Inspector in Charge of Teaching and Promotion of Bilingualism for the Centre Region; Mr. Constentine Fube Fuhneba, Management Consultant with a firm in Dubai. The program aimed at strengthening KOICA’s internal communication and external correspondence through effective letter writing. The trainees consisted of managers, supervisors, and relevant personnel from various departments within KOICA.

For two weeks, participants immersed themselves in a comprehensive curriculum that covered all aspects of administrative letter writing, as presented in several administrative writing modules ranging from Introduction to Administrative Writing Styles in English and in French, Formal Letter Writing, Memos, Summaries, Reports, Minutes, Speeches, Circulars and other Administrative documents such as Email Enclosures, Fax Messages, Acknowledgment Receipts, Presentation Notes, and Leave Applications. The presentation of each of these modules was followed by practical simulation exercises.

The training ended with words of appreciation and encouragement to the participants to implement what had been taught by some of the attendees, “I am delighted that this training went through successfully and I would like to encourage each and every one of you to put into practice what has been taught by the trainers. It is going to help ease your external and internal communication, “Mr. Otia Vitalis, a Cameroonian Filmmaker in attendance.

 A cross section of the participants also gave their appraisal of the training: According to the Cybersecurity Enthusiast and Full Stack Developer, Kome Mohammad, the training was absolutely necessary and beneficial to him and he was so grateful:

            “I am expressing my sincere appreciation for the training program at KOICA Cameroon Office. The program … provided valuable insights, practical skills, and an enriching learning experience. I commend your team for their professionalism, knowledge, and dedication to creating a conducive learning environment.

Throughout the training, I found the content to be well-structured, covering a wide range of relevant topics. The trainers are engaging and approachable, ensuring that participants can actively participate and clarify any doubts. The interactive exercises and group discussions greatly enhanced the learning process, allowing for a deeper understanding of the subject matter,” he reiterated.

Meanwhile, Ebolo Bekolo Emmanuel, Project Specialist at KOICA Cameroon Office applauded the Facilitators of BefAcademy when he said, “the relentless efforts for the fruitful conduct of our training program on Administrative Letter Writing Skills is worth applauding.”

This was followed by a concluding word from the director of BedAcademy who stated that it was an exciting two weeks with all the trainees and that he looked forward to seeing them putting their lessons into practice, for Confucius said, “What I hear, I forget, what I see, I remember, but what I do, I understand”.

The participants received certificates of Completion of Training which was followed by a family photo at KOICA Cameroon Office, Bastos, Yaounde.