Her father celebrates with joy at the Sts Peter & Paul’s Parish, Simbock Yaounde, as he hands her over to Him. This unique, spectacular and memorable event took place on Saturday, 28th October 2023 amidst a multitude of Christians and curious onlookers.

”My Dearest Nkiifiem,

On this very important moment of your life, the moment you’re taking a decision to be with Him for the rest of your life, I do not have anything to say; I do not have any gift to give you, but this speech.

My dear daughter, you will grow up to remember that marriage, either to Him or to him is a life time decision. As your parents, we are glad that you chose Him instead of him.

Your mother and I have waited six years for this moment. Ekiiben first came, and we discovered that you were not the one. Then Kofon came and still, we didn’t see you in him. We thank God for you, especially that you’re a girl because to be honest, if you were a boy, we wouldn’t be done yet. But praise God you are a beautiful girl!

You are the lilies in River Kibanya, the rattles of the Muntemtem Njang Dancers, the sugar in our tea, the sweet pepper in our njama-njama, the castle in the imaginary land where we shall build our house.

We have already prophetically declared that you are going to be our easy child, which compared to your brothers and sisters is setting the bar pretty low. That’s why you are called, “Daddy’s Daughter”. You are indeed, Daddy’s Blood Pressure Machine.

Kofon will inspire you with his energy, Benita-Patricks Ekiiben will comfort you with her kind words, and Kimbonen will do his best to use you as a character in his Podcast.

You are guaranteed lots of laughs, lots of tears, and probably a few good years worth of therapy. If nothing else you will be tough, ready for what the world will throw at you.

Your name is NKIIFIEM, which means “Know mine.” Mama Juliana, your Grandma whom you bear her name knew better why she christened you Nkiifiem. Your very presence on the earth is a testimony of the beautiful conception of the love of God.

As a girl, I know that your primary sense of self-worth will come from me as your father. It’s my job to pour worth into you, to tell you that you’re beautiful, you’re a princess, and if any boy tries to mess with you I’ll break his kneecaps. I promise to love you and set the bar so high that the whole world will see not just your physical beauty but your moral beauty.

Your mom and I will do more than just promise to love you. You will feel it, you will hear it even when the world is silent and the echoes of this love will vibrate from this place of baptism to the land of your father’s ancestors, your forebears, where your umbilical cord is preserved.

We promise to love each other, to fight for our marriage every step of the way so that growing up, you will have a beautiful picture of how much God loves us and how much we’re supposed to love each other.

Nkiifiem, you have no idea of the wild ride you signed up for when God gave you to our family. We couldn’t be happier. Our spirit tell us that we are making the right decision to allow you get married today at the age of five! Yes, your married to Jesus. Can you all join the Bonteh Family in cheering this young lad for accepting the call of Jesus Christ! Thank you, thank you, and thank you in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”

K. K. Bonteh