The school where you learn why, not just how

Earn a certificate Course with Bef Academy

Obtain a certificate recognised by the state in 3 – 4 months in Computer Science & IT, Business Studies, Arts & Cinematography.

our certificate courses

Experience excellence through our Certificate Courses

A certificate from BEF Academy is more than just a piece of paper. It’s a symbol of your dedication to learning, your commitment to excellence, and your readiness to thrive in the professional world. Join us in a certificate program that will empower you to achieve your career aspirations and advance your personal growth. Your future begins with specialized knowledge, and that future is waiting for you at BEF Academy.

Language Courses

Computer Graphics & Applications

Business Studies

Performing Arts & Cinematography


Course Description: Embark on a comprehensive journey to master the English language. This course covers essential grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Engage in dynamic activities and real-life scenarios to enhance your communication abilities in both casual and formal settings.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Fundamental grammar and syntax rules
  • Extensive vocabulary for daily interactions
  • Effective listening and speaking skills
  • Reading comprehension strategies
  • Writing techniques for various purposes

Requirements: Open to all proficiency levels. No prerequisites required.


This course introduces the students to the standards of college level English. It assists in developing the skills of the students in grammar, vocabulary, sentence variety, paragraph development, reading, and writing skills necessary for the success in all the other college courses.

PRE-REQUISITES: Basic English Proficiency


Becoming a Better Writer

  • Organizing your Writing
  • The writing process

The Basics

  • Parts of Speech
  • Subjects and Verbs
  • Irregular Verbs
  • Sentence Types
  • Pronoun Forms
  • Pronoun Problems
  • Articles
  • Adjectives and Adverbs

Beyond the Basics

  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Fragments

Beyond The Basics

  • Run-ons and Comma Splices
  • Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
  • Parallelism


  • The Comma
  • The Apostrophe
  • Quotation Marks
  • Other Punctuation Marks

Mechanics and Spelling

  • Proofreading Your Work
  • Ten Proofreading Tests
  • Word Choice
  • Capital Letters
  • Numbers and Abbreviations
General French Language

This intensive French language course is for absolute beginners (with no previous knowledge of

French). It aims to impart the basics of the French language in the four skills [listening, reading, speaking and  writing]  in  an  interactive  and communicative way, to  enable  students to  reach a level comparable  with  that of Elementary.  It is followed by FRENCH 102  Upper Elementary starting in the second trimester. It is not recommended that students who obtained a final result of less than 60% in FREN 101 enrol in FREN 102.  Teaching  is based  on  the  first  half [lessons 1­9]  of Panorama 1 (Jacky Girardet & Jean­Marie Cridlig, Paris: Clé International, 2004).  Other materials available at the Language Learning Centre (LLC, von Zedlitz Building, Level 0) are also  used  such  as videos,  CD­ROMs,  computer programmes, audiotapes and magazines.  Objectives are presented pp. 188­189 in the Panorama 1 Textbook and p.3 in the FREN 101 Course Booklet.

Are you interested in learning the beautiful French language? Maybe you already know some French and want to improve your skills. Or, maybe you’re hoping to travel to a French-speaking country one day.

Whether you want to learn French for personal or professional reasons, or even just for fun, there are many offerings out there that can help get you started on your French learning adventure. Some people who enjoy independent study opt to use a traditional language textbook for learning French, while others go for the more modern approach of using an app to learn the French language. Others prefer to use a French tutoring service. Another approach is to take lessons online.

Online classes can be live, one-on-one or group lessons, and they can also be self-paced sessions that you complete on your own. At BefAcademy, you’ll discover the best online and campus French classes.

As one of the oldest and most well-known language schools, BefAcademy is known for its immersive, communicative style, using and learning language in a natural way for communication.

BefAcademy has been hosting lessons at language centres for years, but now you can also take its classes online. The French classes are taught live by BefAcademy -certified instructors, and you can enroll in either private or group classes.

There’s also a program for online self-paced lessons, called BefAcademy Connect, that provides the materials and lessons to study on your own, but you can also schedule 30-minute practice sessions with instructors via video call.

It offers a 12-week online group class that meets twice a week for 90-minute lessons. The self-paced BefAcademy Connect program costs about $500 for six months with 10 speaking practice sessions, or around $800 for 12 months with 25 speaking practice sessions.

If you’re looking for formal lessons from a well-established language school, BefAcademy is a great option.

General German Language

Our general German courses are intended for participants who want to make rapid progress in improving their language competence. You will learn in an intensive, practice oriented environment with other international participants and will then be able to use your language to work, study or travel in Germany.


Course Description:


Focus on learning the main skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.


Lessons are academic and goal oriented so you can make rapid progress.


Practical language is emphasized for use in everyday, professional and academic situations.


Fast and efficient teaching methods: Use of course materials is emphasized.


Stabilizing grammar and vocabulary.


Course Levels

Our German Courses are defined by the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFRL)

General Italian Language

Italian language courses in Italy


Here our offer of Italian language courses available at our BefAcademy Language School through out the year.

 Whatever you need, we can help you find the course best fitting your requirements: just contact us! We will be very glad to do it.


Intensive Italian language course


The intensive Italian language course is our standard course and consists of 4 Italian language lessons a day, totaling 20 lessons a week.


Recommended for: students that want to learn or to improve their Italian. The intensive program leaves time for students to discover more about the Italian city and to enjoy themselves.


1 week Italian language course


 It is possible to attend an intensive Italian language course, even for only one week, in all of the Leonardo da Vinci school locations.


Recommended for: those that do not have a lot of time and want to refresh their knowledge of Italian or who want to lay the foundations for learning in the future.


Super intensive Italian language course


The Super intensive Italian language course is our intensive course of 4 Italian lessons a day, together with an extra 2 group lessons a day, giving a total of 30 Italian lessons per week.


Recommended for: students that want to learn or advance their studies in Italian by completing a more intensive program that aims to make you improve and reach your goals, in the shortest time possible.


Learn the language quickly and intensively, by being part of a small group of only 5 people, with 6 daily Italian lessons. Available in the Bef Language School.


Recommended for: students that want to study Italian in a more intimate environment where your individual needs are met, but you can still take advantage of the communicative dynamics of a group.


Super intensive Italian language course plus 5 or plus 10 lessons


Our extra Super Italian language course plus 5 or plus 10 lessons is our intensive course (which consists of 4 Italian group lessons a day), combined with 1 or 2 private lessons a day.


Recommended for: students that want to add one or two private lessons, during which you can study more in depth, to the group lessons.


Italian Tour: travel and learn Italian


The course “Italian Tour” is a study programme lasting 2, 3 or 4 weeks, conceived for discovering and learning Italian language and culture. The course allows students to be fully immersed in Italian culture.


Recommended for: students who wish to study Italian language without renouncing pleasure of travel, so that their stay in Italy will become a 360 degree training experience.

Translation and Interpretation

Translation, it must be remembered, demands special skills, which are not necessarily acquired with general proficiency in language. Hence it needs a systematic training in different aspects of bilingual and multilingual translation.

Translation is in great demand in this fast shrinking global world. In a multilingual Indian society, translation is a means to know, understand and tolerate each other and know each other’s language and culture. Translators are in great demand in government organizations, multinational corporate sector, trade, research, publication houses and news media.

In the process of globalisation it is a means of reaching the desired end of growth and development. Translation studies also develop bilingual, multilingual competence and cultural sensitivity.

Aim of the course

  • To develop the students’ interest in multilingualism
  • To prepare them to become professional translators
  • To study  translation  in   global context so that they can perform satisfactorily in                            professional context

Objective of the Course

  • To make the students understand the process of translation
  • To give them hands-on experience in translation
  • To develop and heighten the translation activity


  • Graduate in any stream, preferably with a language and literary background
  • Knowledge of two languages is essential of which one should be English / French

Course Design: following areas covered. Syllabus is also attached. Translation Theory

  • The role of translation in the development of languages, cultures and


  • Cultural and sociological forces shaping translation
  • Contemporary theories of translation

Translation practice

  • Introduction to the science and art of translation
  • Study of the process of translation
  • Critical examination and comparison of published literary works
  • Study and discussion of writings on translation by literary translators
  • Studying the difference between literary and non-literary translation
  • Comparison of theory and practical
  • Studying the problems in translation and how to overcome the same
  • How to use the tools of translation
  • Evaluation of translation

Assignment / Projects. In each paper they have to do a project.

  • Translation of long story, novelette, poems, one act play, travelogue
  • Translation of technical and non-literary texts like official letters, notices, minutes of meetings, applications, reports, brochures, research tools
  • Translation of texts in the media like translation of scripts, advertisements, news items subtitles of films


  • On going evaluation: every item translated by the students will be evaluated

Standard of passing

  • Evaluation will be in terms of grades: minimum C grade will be required
  • Explanation of grades: A: 100 – 80 Marks

B:   80 – 60 Marks

C:   60 – 40 Marks

D: Below 40 Marks – Fail

Intake of students

  • Minimum: 10 Students
  • Maximum: 20 Students


  • One year



  • 35 000/- per student

Medium of instruction

  • Lectures will be conducted in English but will also follow bilingual method i.e. English / French for students opting for French
  • Students can write the answers in English and French




Duration: one year


1001 paper code

Paper 1: Theory of Translation : 100 MARKS


  1. Translation: definition, scope, need and importance, art or

  1. History and theory of translation. Historical development of these theories: structural, cognitive and communicative theory of

  1. Process of translation

  1. Types of

  1. Main principles of translation, qualities of a good

  1. Tools of

  1. Comparison between source language and target language in relation to analysis and

  1. Evaluation of

1002 code. Paper 2:  Materials of Translation I

Linguistic and Sociolinguistics Aspects of Translation: 100 MARKS


  1. Concept of language, units, process of communication and social

  1. Technical terminology, concepts, principles of formation, problems and solutions.

  1. Devanagri script and standardization of

  1. Spoken and written difference in

  1. Role of culture in translation, social context of translation with reference to employment and social

  1. Semiotics and translation

  1. Constitution and language

  1. Role of translation in education and

Code 1003 Paper 3: Materials of Translation II

(Translation Scope and Limitation of Application) 100 MARKS (Internal)


  1. Registers, styles in

  1. Sentence structure structural analysis and semantic

  1. Equivalence theory, synonyms, summarization, adaptation, subtitles

  1. Literary and non literary translation

  1. Problems in translation and their

  1. Importance of translation in different fields: mass media, legal, technical, administrative

  1. Machine translation theory, scope and

Code 1004 Paper 4. Translation Project of Minimum 100pages. 100 MARKS (External)


  1. Fiction

  1. Poetry

  1. Prose

  1. Travelogue

  1. Autobiography/ biography

  1. Children’s literature


Bef Vocational Training Institute (Befacademy) is owned by the Bonteh Education Foundation, which is a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization based in Yaounde. Befacademy is a post-secondary vocational institution authorized to operate in Cameroon by the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training. It partners with many national and international institutions to offer training, certification and consultancy.


As a vocational training centre, the emphasis is on skill acquisition and not conceptual analysis. Therefore, our admissions conditions are very simple:

  • First Degree in the Social Sciences or at least, General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level in two arts subjects or its equivalence.
  • Mature students without the GCE or equivalence can be admitted based on a case-by-case basis.
  • Therefore, please do not let your past educational experience prevent you from having a great and excellent education at Befacademy.

NB: Each training is crowned by internships in large companies and your Certificates are signed by MINEFOP (Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training) to serve and assert what is right.

Come and discover your talents as an engineer, business leader, artist and team leader.


Many international students consider studying in a college or university within the United States. In order to be accepted as an international student, most colleges and universities may require them to take standardized tests. One such exam, the TOEFL, is used by universities to assess the level of English language proficiency. The TOEFL exam is necessary in academic setting to be sure students can get by in an English-speaking environment. So what is the TOEFL? Let us take a look.

Learn About the TOEFL

The TOEFL is an entrance exam used by several top schools to ascertain international students’ aptitude within the English language. The test is used to determine the language abilities of non-native English speaker by testing abilities in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English. The exam is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), and is offered at several different locations around the country. The test was originally a paper-based exam, but was later changed into a computer initiated test. While paper-based tests are still available, the preferred method is computer-based. The test is four hours in length and can be taken a maximum of once a week. TOEFL scores stay valid for only two years. Since its inception in 1964, the TOELF test has been taken by over 20 million students.

Why Take the TOEFL

The TOEFL exam is required by almost every school for foreign students who want to study any subject in the US. While there are many requirements for international students to study in the US, the TOEFL is one of the most important. Schools look to the TOEFL as one of their earliest indicators to see if a foreign student is ready to study in the US. Students should put in plenty of preparation to ensure they get a top score.

Test Format

The main format for testing is the IBT or Internet-Based testing, which was introduced in 2005 to replace the CBT (Computer-Based testing). The CBT was officially retired in September of 2006 and so the main two formats that are now used are IBT and PBT (Paper-Based Testing). The PBT however is rarely used and the most common format is the IBT.

The IBT format has been rolled out over a series of phases, with the USA, Canada, France, Germany and Italy as the first to get the new format and then the rest of the world was moved over in 2006. Demand for the TOEFL IBT test is often very high and it is advisable to book a few months in advance to make sure you get the date you want.

The IBT consists of a 4 hour test in 4 sections which covers:

  1. Reading – students are given a reading passage and then posed questions about the content they have just read
  2. Listening – students are given a passage to listen only once and are asked questions about the conversation
  3. Speaking – students read passages and answer questions on a variety of subjects. These replies are digitally recorded and sent to exam judges to be tested.
  4. Writing – students are given a passage and then asked to write a passage in response to the text

The TOEFL can take up to 4 hours to complete, and students are given optional 10 minute breaks.

How to Prepare

Preparing for the TOEFL exam requires intensive studying. This studying should encompass all four of the main English criteria.


There are many TOEFL study books that teach students about the test and potential questions. These books provide an introduction to the exam, and go section by section to assist students in every facet of the exam. Because the exam is new to a lot of students, the books do a good job of giving potential test takers a solid look at what they can expect to see on test day.

TOEFL Courses

In addition to test books, there are many different courses available for students taking the test. These courses are taught by certified instructors who know exactly how to take the test, teach students extra tips, and are able to give personal time and acknowledgment.

Many of these TOEFL courses can be found at English language centers, and they are designed to prepare students for successfully taking the TOEFL exam. Programs typically vary in length although a typical TOEFL preparation course lasts 4-12 weeks. Many programs offer curriculums that simulate the TEOFL exam, provide in-classroom discussion, offer test taking skills, and more. Check out the following English language programs for more information:

ELS – leaders in teaching English and preparing students for the TOEFL, ELS offers a variety of programs ranging from 4-12 weeks long. These courses are designed to focus on key English language skills in addition to test taking strategies and tips. Depending on the program selected, students have the option to take the TOEFL test at the same ELS center – making students feel more comfortable in their test taking environment.

Practice Tests

Another great way for students to prepare for the TOEFL is by take a proctored practice test offered by some of the larger test centers. Many test prep centers offer free practice tests with results at colleges and universities around the world. In addition to real scores, a student has the opportunity to learn information about courses that the center may offer.

TOEFL Coaching

While the many practice materials are sufficient for some students, many others do best having received one-on-one coaching from a native English speaker. From a fluent coach a student can get personalized help, and focus on areas where they are struggling most. Many students attest that having a TOEFL coach who was fluent in the language helped their scores to drastically improve. These coaches give great advice, teach students excellent feedback, and help to make sure that they can grasp some of the more complex issues with the language. English speaking coaches are not terribly expensive and many people advertise as helpers. Coaches are a great asset to anyone needing serious help learning the language.

Taking the Test

If you would like information on taking the TOEFL, please visit the TOEFL website as the cost and type of test you need to take will vary depending on your country. You can also register online and book your test in via this website so please visit here for more information about that.

Night before the Exam

After the exam day itself, the most important time for a test-taker is the right before the exam. It may sound counterproductive, but the day before the test should not be used for studying or refreshing. Students should try not to think too much about the TOEFL. Relax and try to clear your mind instead. Students often stress themselves out unnecessarily right before an exam.

Make sure all of your testing materials are ready and you have your directions to the testing center and your testing registration printed out the night before. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep the night before, but try not to deviate from your daily routine too much.

Remember to eat a good meal before you head to the testing center. This will help you concentrate, reduce stress, and make sure your mind is clear and prepared during the exam. It is always a good idea to leave a little early to ensure that you make it to the testing center in plenty of time. Check the TOEFL restrictions and requirements to make certain you are not bringing any prohibited items and that you will have the right materials to gain access to the test.


Day before tip!: Relax, eat well, and rest the day before.

Preparing for Test Day

There are several materials that a student should bring with them to the testing site, including:

Government photo ID

All tests require students to bring a government photo ID that contains a valid signature. This ID can be a passport, a driver’s license, or any other government issued ID.

Test ticket

Students will need to have their testing ticket ready at the front door of the testing site and will usually have to sign in before they can be escorted to their testing room.

Bring pencils and a good eraser

Make sure to bring some pencils and an adequate eraser.

Bring a snack and drink

Some students may also want to bring a snack or drink to save for the break.

Know where you want your results sent

At the end of the exam, students will be allowed to choose schools to which they want the scores sent.

Caution: Be sure to read your test center’s information thoroughly. There are many prohibited items while in the testing room like electronic devices and digital watches.


You should get your results about ten days after taking the exam. Test scores for the TOEFL may take a bit of time to get back, since many of the sections like speaking and writing are sent to special “raters” to be assessed. The test is scored from 0 to 120, with each of the four sections counted as 30 points apiece. Most universities will require students to have a standard minimum acceptable score is somewhere in the low 60s. Top universities may require a score of 100 to be found acceptable.

TOEFL Practice

Listening Comprehension


In Part A, you will hear two people having short conversations. After each conversation, you will hear a question. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers and choose the best answer.

On the recording, you hear:
Woman:Will you be at the library tonight?
Man:No way! I’ve got tickets to the game.


What does the man say?

  1. that he will not go to the game
  2. that he doesn’t have a way to the game
  3. that he is going to a sporting event
  4. that he came to the library the previous night

Answer and Explanation:

In this question, answer choices (A) and (B) are both negative distractors. A student who is not paying careful attention might hear the negative in the man’s answer – “No way!” – and incorrectly choose an answer that also contains a negative. Answer (D) is a homonym distractor that tries to make the unwary student confuse the words game and came. But in reality the man is not going to the library because he wants to attend a game of some kind. Therefore, (C) is the correct answer.

Structure and Written Expression


The question below is an incomplete sentence. Beneath the sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.


We came here —– the beautiful beaches.

  1. for visit
  2. visiting
  3. to visit
  4. for visiting

Answer and Explanation:

The correct answer is (C), which completes the sentence with the meaning of “in order to visit.” Be careful not to fall for the distractors in (A) and (D). You can recognize an infinitive of purpose by placing in order in front of the word to. If the new sentence still “sounds good,” it is an infinitive of purpose.


The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is an international standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native speakers. It is intentionally designed to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment.

There are different forms of the exam: The TOEIC Listening & Reading Test consists of two equally graded tests of comprehension assessment activities totaling a possible 990 score; There are also the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests. The TOEIC speaking test is composed of tasks that assess pronunciation, intonation and stress, vocabulary, grammar, cohesion, relevance of content and completeness of content. The TOEIC Writing test is composed of tasks that assess grammar, relevance of sentences to the pictures, quality and variety of sentences, vocabulary, organization, and whether the opinion is supported with reason and/or examples. Both assessments use a score scale of 0 – 200.

TOEIC Listening & Reading Test

The TOEIC Listening & Reading Test lasts two hours [45 minutes for Listening, and 75 minutes for Reading]. It consists of 200 multiple-choice items evenly divided between the listening and reading comprehension section. Each candidate receives independent scores for listening and reading comprehension on a scale from 5 to 495 points. The total score adds up to a scale from 10 to 990 points. The TOEIC certificate exists in five colors, corresponding to achieved results:

  • – orange (10–219)
  • – brown (220–469)
  • – green (470–729)
  • – blue (730–859)
  • – gold (860–990)

TOEIC test certificates are optional, unofficial documents that are meant for display only.

TOEIC Speaking & Writing Test

The TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests were introduced in 2006. Test takers receive separate scores for each of the two tests, or they can take the Speaking test without taking the Writing test and vice versa. The Speaking test assesses pronunciation, intonation and stress, vocabulary, grammar, cohesion, relevance of content and completeness of content, while the Writing test assess grammar, relevance of sentences to the pictures, quality and variety of sentences, vocabulary, organization, and whether the opinion is supported with reason and/or examples. The tests are designed to reflect actual English usage in the workplace, though they do not require any knowledge of specialized business terms. The TOEIC Speaking Test takes approximately 20 minutes to complete; the TOEIC writing test lasts approximately 60 minutes. Each test has a score range between 0-200, with test takers grouped into eight proficiency levels for Speaking and nine proficiency levels for Writing. 

What is the DifferenceBetween the TOEIC Test and the TOEFL Test?

The TOEIC® tests measure proficiency in English relevant to the global workplace whereas the TOEFL® tests measure the academic communication skills in English. Both tests aim to measure the level of English proficiency for non-native English speakers.


The IELTS test has two forms: the Academic test (or module) and the General Training test (or module). The module that you take depends on the reason that you are taking it for. Generally speaking, the Academic Module is for those people who are trying to gain entry onto undergraduate or postgraduate education courses or for professional reasons. The General Training Module is for those people who wish to join some kinds of vocational or training courses, secondary schools or for immigration purposes.

Both Academic and General Training modules try and reflect real life situations to test whether a candidate would survive in English speaking social and academic environments. For example, the Part 2 section of the speaking asks candidates to talk, after 1 minute’s preparation, for 1 to 2 minutes on a given general topic. This would test General Training candidates to see if they could give a “work related presentation” to fellow work colleagues and would test Academic candidates if they can give a “university style presentation” to fellow students. It tests whether candidates have the English language capability to perform these tasks under some kind of pressure.

The IELTS test (both Academic and General Training modules) is divided into four parts: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The listening and speaking tests are exactly the same for the Academic and General Training modules but the reading and writing tests are different. Thus the test appears like this (in the order that you will take the different parts):


Listening4 sections; 40 questions. 30 minutes4 sections; 40 questions. 30 minutes
Reading3 sections; 40 questions
3 long texts
1 hour
3 sections; 40 questions
3 long texts
1 hour
Writing2 tasks
1 hour
2 tasks
1 hour
Speaking3 sections
11 – 14 minutes
3 sections
11 – 14 minutes

The Scholastic Aptitude Test, also known as the SAT, is taken by high school juniors and seniors applying to colleges and universities. This exam can be taken internationally six times during the year. Find out when to take it, how to take it, and why as we discuss the SAT in more detail.

The Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT, is a global recognized test admitting students into colleges and universities all over the United States.

About the SAT

The SAT test is taken by high school students to demonstrate to colleges what the prospective student knows and how well they can apply their knowledge. There are three aspects of the test: reading, writing, and math. SAT scores are sent out to your desired colleges and universities as part of the admissions package.

Colleges and universities look at the combination of high school grades and SAT scores. This combination serves as a prediction of a student’s future academic success. A student’s scores on the reading, math, and writing sections will project the student’s ability to handle college courses in critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The content of these courses is more complex in college than it is in high school, but the skills and their practical application are the same.

The skills assessed on the SAT are skills that you have been learning since you started grade school. The skills that will be assessed are critical reading, grammar and usage, identifying errors in a written passage, arithmetic operations, algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability. You will show your knowledge of these skills through the process of answering multiple choice questions. There will also be a written essay portion of the exam. The SAT is meant to show your scholastic ability. Logic and abstract thinking are not tested during the taking of the SAT.


The SAT is the more reliable and validated standardized test in the United States and around the world. The three sections are all assessed during the same day. The SAT is a timed test. The test, if a student uses all the time available to them, takes three hours and 45 minutes. Within these three skill sets—reading, mathematics, and writing—there are 10 separately timed sections. Three sections of the test focus on reading, three on mathematics, and three on writing.

The tenth section is a variable section that could be any one of the three subjects. This last section is not scored. Possible SAT questions are being tested on students every year. This final section is made up of questions that a board of educators has already approved for the SAT question bank, but need to be tested on current high school students. SAT questions are constantly being changed and updated. Questions are tested on current high school students to determine whether they are learning these topics in school or not. The SAT is a test that assesses the reading, writing, and mathematical skills that students have been taught from grades K-12 (with perhaps the exception of English if that is your second language).

How To Prepare

In order to prepare for the SAT, you must know what type of questions to study for. Questions on the SAT are multiple choice, student-produced responses (in the math section) and there is an essay format as well.

The critical reading section of the SAT includes reading passages and sentence completions. Passages are provided and students will be asked to answer questions about the passages. Students will also be given a sentence, and asked to choose the word that best completes the sentence. Students preparing for the SAT should prepare for these questions by studying common vocabulary words.

The multiple choice questions and student produced questions in the math sections are divided into three sections and focus on arithmetic operations, algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability. By the time this test is taken, junior or senior year in high school, a student should have taken courses covering all of these mathematical topics. A test taker is allowed to bring an approved calculator, and a reference sheet of conversions will be provided.

The writing section has multiple choice questions as well as a hand written essay portion. The multiple choice questions ask students to identify errors in sentences and passages and improve grammar and usage. The short essay is an opinion piece. A prompt is given to the test takers on the day of the test. After being given the prompt, the student has a set amount of time to write a complete short essay with a beginning, middle, and end.


Once you know the type of questions and format for each skill set assessed, you can then start to review the content. There is a SAT prep soft cover book that can be purchased at a nationally known bookstore or borrowed from your public library. This SAT prep book will give you sample tests with SAT questions used in the past. It is not the exact test that you will be taking, but a simulation of the number of questions and types of questions to expect, and will give you an accurate score of how well you did on the sample test.

SAT Registration

Registration for the SAT exam can be done online. The cost is typically $51 USD for the standard SAT exam and can be paid for at the time of registration. The SAT exam is offered seven times a year in the US and six times a year internationally. The months in which the test is offered are October, November, December, January, March (U.S.A only), May, and June. The registration deadline for the SAT exam is a month prior to the date in which you plan to take it. For most, the SAT exam needs to be taken two times. In order to figure out when you need to take the test, determine the application deadlines of all the schools to which you plan to apply.

Night Before the SAT

The night before the SAT exam is crucial for student’s success. It’s never a good idea to try to cram a last-minute study session the night before the exam. You need to make sure that you can get a good night’s sleep—at least eight hours.

Preparing for Test Day

On the day of your SAT exam, there are some things you will need and some things that should be left at home. First of all, you will need a form of identification and your SAT admission ticket that you received when you registered for the SAT exam. Remember to take water and a snack for break times. You will not be allowed to leave the room if you finish a section early. With this being said, bring a book to read. Keep an eye on the time so you know how much time you can spend on a particular section. Bring a couple (at least two) sharpened number 2 pencils with good erasers.

For the math section, you are allowed to bring a calculator. There are strict policies regarding calculators. You are allowed to bring a graphing calculator, scientific calculator, or a four-function calculator, although the last one is not recommended. You are not permitted to bring a laptop, iPad, cell phone calculator, calculator that is a TI-92 plus or Voyage 200, or calculators that use an electrical outlet or have a paper tape.

Bringing certain items into the exam room could result in you being kicked out of the exam. Leave cell phones at home or in your car. You are also going to want to leave any music device at home, such as MP3 players or iPods.

SAT Scoring

What is the SAT scoring system? Each of the three subjects tested on the SAT is scored separately, giving you three separate scores for the SAT exam. The scores are combined to form the overall SAT score. Colleges and universities look at each skill’s score separately as well as the overall SAT score.

The SAT exam gives the test taker points for getting the answer correct. One point is awarded for each question answered correctly. For wrong multiple choice answers, ¼ of a point is subtracted. For wrong student produced answers, zero points are given or subtracted. For omitted questions, a test taker does not get positive points or subtracted points, just zero points for each of the omitted questions. This being the case, students should not guess on the SAT, but rather skip questions they do not know how to answer.

Your raw score which could be between 20-80 points per each math and reading section is then converted to a scaled score (reported on a 200-800 scale) by a statistical process called equating. The writing essay portion is based on a 0-6 scale, 6 being the highest score. This score is equated to the 200-800 scale as well. Equating allows comparisons among test takers who take different editions of the test.

Why take the SAT exam

Although the SAT is the commonly used formative assessment and is accepted by virtually all colleges and universities in the United States and around the world, there are other reasons a student should take the SAT. The SAT shows how you apply the thinking, writing and study skills required for college course work, and provides an opportunity for scholarship money. Colleges and universities grant scholarships to high academic students coming into the freshman class. SAT scores play a role in who is awarded these scholarships.

When a colleges look at your admission’s package, they look at a wide range of areas to get to better know you. Colleges and universities look at extracurricular activities, personal recommendations, high school courses taken, high school grades as well as a formative assessment, like the SAT.

Duolingo English Test

The Duolingo English Test (DET) is a standardized test of the English language designed to be internet-based rather than paper-based. DET is an adaptive test that uses an algorithm to adapt the difficulty of the test to the test-taker. It was developed by Duolingo and grew in popularity and acceptance at universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The test is used by over 5,000 university admissions offices, including Harvard, Stanford, MIT, and Yale. Ireland accepts the test as part of its student visa program. Universities in the United Kingdom, such as the London School of Economics, Imperial College London, Kingston University, the University of Southampton, and Middlesex University, also accept the Duolingo test.


Duolingo English Test


Acronym: DET

Type: Internet-based standardized test

Developer / administrator: Duolingo

Knowledge / skills tested; English proficiency

Purpose: To assess the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers

Year started; 2016

Duration: 1 hour

Score / grade range; 10–160

Score / grade validity: 2 years

Countries / regions: International

Languages: English

Fee: $59

Scores / grades used by

Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School, Stanford (Undergraduate Admissions), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (Undergraduate Admissions), and over 5,000 other institutions.


The Duolingo English Test is scored on a scale of 10–160, with scores above 120 considering the test taker to be proficient in English. The test costs less than TOEFL or IELTS.


What is the GRE?

The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) measures your ability to succeed at graduate-school level studies, exactly like the SAT and ACT measure your ability to succeed at undergraduate schooling. Your score on the GRE is one of the primary factors used by university admissions officers for determining whether or not to accept you into their programs. As such, it is important to prepare for the GRE and score as highly as you can.

GRE Format

Developed by Educational Testing Services (ETS), the GRE exam has many similarities to the SAT. Both are now computer adaptive tests (CAT); no need to bring a pencil, pen or paper to the test site. In a CAT, you answer one question at a time; your answer to each question determines the difficulty level of the next question. As you answer questions correctly, the computer program increases the difficulty of your questions; when you answer a question incorrectly, the computer program provides another of the same difficulty or a slightly reduced difficulty. Eventually, the computer program determines your score based on the correct level of your skill in that area.

The GRE exam measures three skill areas:

Analytical Writing     (2 tasks for a total of 60 minutes)

Verbal Reasoning   (2 sections for a total of 60 minutes)

Quantitative Analysis   (2 sections for a total of 70 minutes)

The analytical writing section uses a free-response (or essay) format to measure your ability to write complex thoughts in clear, precise English prose. The skills you need to demonstrate in this section include:

  • Evaluate claims and evidence
  • Develop a complex, coherent argument/discussion
  • Support ideas with reasons and example
  • Write using standard punctuation and grammar

For this section of the test, you will need to write an essay or argument for each of the two tasks. You should be able to type and use a basic word processing program (no, the word processor does not have grammar or spell check – you have to supply those skills on your own).

For most international students, this section is moderately difficulty. Although the GRE exam requires you to demonstrate a sophisticated command of written English, the free response format allows you to craft your answer in whatever ways highlight your strengths.

The verbal reasoning section uses a multiple choice format to measure your command of English vocabulary and reading comprehension. It is very similar to the SAT and ACT reading comprehension tests, although the questions are generally more evaluative and require a finer command of the subtleties of the English language.

The skills measured in the verbal reasoning sections of the GRE exam include:

  • Analyze multiple layers of meaning (both literal and figurative)
  • Distinguish between significant and irrelevant information
  • Identify and accommodate for authorial bias / perspective
  • Identify and analyze the structure of a text (chronological, spatial, process)
  • Understand the meanings of words and phrases

For most international students, the verbal reasoning section will be the most challenging, especially for those students for whom English is not their primary language. This section demands a very sophisticated level of English comprehension; however, don’t despair. As with any test, preparation is the key to success. If you have concerns about the GRE exam and your English, that just means you invest more time in preparing before you sit for the exam.

The quantitative reasoning sections also use a multiple choice format to measure your ability to perform basic and complex mathematical calculations. This section is the most similar to the SAT and ACT tests, in both style and question difficulty.

The skills measured in the quantitative reasoning sections of the GRE exam include:

  • Understanding quantitative data (both as tables and graphs
  • Analyzing data (statistics, probability)
  • Applying basic mathematical skills (arithmetic, algebra, geometry)

For most international students, the quantitative reasoning section will be the easiest to master and require the least preparation. However, that does not mean you should take it lightly. You should invest some time in reviewing basic mathematical formulas, with special emphasis on statistical and probability analysis.

What are the GRE Subject Tests?  

Along with the general revised Graduate Record Exam (GRE), there are subject-specific exams you can take. The GRE has specific tests on the following subject areas:

  • Biochemistry, cell and molecular biology
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Literature in English
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Psychology

These tests are optional. Please check with the university to which you are applying to determine if they want you to take a subject area test. But, even if your program does not require a subject-area GRE test, you might choose to take it and submit the scores – with the hope that your excellent score will help distinguish you from the other applicants.

GRE Registration

You can register to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) in a variety of ways. The easiest method for most is to register on-line by creating a GRE account. However, you may also register for the GRE exam by mail or by phone.

The cost to take the general GRE is currently $185; each subject tests costs $150. There are also a variety of additional services (such as test preparation services) that are available to you for additional fees.

GRE Testing Around the World

You do not have to wait until you are in the USA to take the GRE exam. There are about 700 ETS-authorized testing centers in more than 160 countries. In most countries, you can take a computer-based GRE at any time throughout the year. And in those regions where computer access is more limited, you may still be able to take the GRE in a pencil-paper format. Regardless of location or format, your GRE exam scores will be transmitted to the universities you designate, so they may evaluate your scores with the rest of your application.

What about GRE Scoring?

Your performance on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) will earn a numeric evaluation for each of the three testing subsets:

Analytical Reasoning

0 – 6 in half point increments

Verbal Reasoning

130 – 170 in single point increments

Quantitative Reasoning

130 – 170 in single point increments

It is nearly impossible to advise you what score you should aim for (beyond stating “as high a score as you can”). Each university has its own expectations for GRE scores. The best way to set a GRE goal is to research the programs to which you are applying.

GRE exam scores are valid for five years after the test administration. Within that timeframe, you can request (for a fee) ETS to transmit your scores to any universities you’d like.

GRE Preparation

Preparation is the key to success in the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), as it is in nearly every area of life. There are a host of resources available for you to help improve your scores (arranged in ascending order of cost):

  • Free test questions on the internet (including, the company that designed the GRE)
  • GRE exam preparation books
  • GRE exam preparation software
  • GRE exam preparation courses (often very expensive, but often these courses include a score improvement guarantee)

Before you invest in a course (or even a book), keep in mind that the first step to GRE success is self-awareness. You need to accurately judge your own academic and intellectual strengths and weaknesses, so you may make wise decisions about how to improve your GRE scores.

GRE Practice

  1. The candidate announced, to the _______ of her devoted campaigners, that unless her performance in the polls improved she would _______ the race.
  2. consternation .. withdraw from
  3. bewilderment .. abstain from
  4. mortification .. continue
  5. delight .. constrain
  6. awe .. renounce
  7. A large aquarium contains 20 more guppies than angelfish. If the ratio of angelfish to guppies is 4 : 5, what is the total number of guppies and angelfish in the aquarium?
  8. 200
  9. 180
  10. 100
  11. 54
  12. 36
  13. Company regulations prohibit employees from smoking in the company cafeteria. Susan is an employee of the company. Thus, Susan does not smoke in the cafeteria. Which of the following is an unstated premise of the argument above that is necessary to make the conclusion valid?
  14. Susan has never smoked in the cafeteria.
  15. Company regulations prohibit Susan from smoking in the cafeteria.
  16. Susan obeys her company’s regulations.
  17. Company employees usually do not do what they are prohibited from doing.
  18. Company employees have never been allowed to smoke in the cafeteria.

Answers and Explanations

  1. The correct answer is (A). Sentence completions are meant to test your intuitive grasp of the structure and logic of sentences. Keywords usually indicate either opposition or similarity. That is, the keyword will indicate that the missing word is either opposite or like another word in the sentence. In this example, the keyword unless indicates opposition: in this case, opposition to continuing in the race. The unless tells us that unless something good happens to her performance, she’ll go in the opposite direction. That is, she’ll withdraw from the race. Because we know her campaigners are devoted, we can imagine that they would feel consternation at her withdrawing. Therefore, the answer is (A). You might have been tempted by (B), but “abstain from” isn’t quite right, as it would indicate that she isn’t in the race already.
  2. The correct answer is (B). This is an example of a problem-solving question. For every 4 guppies there are 5 angelfish: it’s a ratio. Since there can’t be a fraction of a fish, the total number of angelfish and guppies must be an integer multiple of 9. For every 9 fish, there is 1 more guppies than angelfish. Since you are given that there are 20 more guppies than angelfish in the
  3. The correct answer is (C). This is an example of a logical reasoning question. Questions that ask you to find an unstated premise, or assumption, are testing your ability to fill in missing steps in an argument. If you get stuck on a question like this, use the denial test: Negate each answer choice as you read it. The correct answer, when it’s been negated, will turn the argument into gibberish. The negation of the correct answer must be inconsistent with the argument. Here, the answer is (C). Let’s try negating (C). Let’s pretend that Susan DOESN’T obey her company’s regulations. Then the company’s regulations would have no effect on her, and we’d have no reason to believe that she doesn’t smoke in the cafeteria. That is, the author’s evidence about the company’s regulations wouldn’t add up to the conclusion that “Susan does not smoke in the cafeteria.”

GRE Test Day

It is critical that you bring your registration information and photo identification with you on the day of your test administration. Because your GRE exam score can determine whether or not you get a Masters’ degree or PhD, test security is absolutely essential. For that reason, you may not bring your cellphone, PDA or any other electronic device into the testing center.What is the GRE?

The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) measures your ability to succeed at graduate-school level studies, exactly like the SAT and ACT measure your ability to succeed at undergraduate schooling. Your score on the GRE is one of the primary factors used by university admissions officers for determining whether or not to accept you into their programs. As such, it is important to prepare for the GRE and score as highly as you can.

GRE Format

Developed by Educational Testing Services (ETS), the GRE exam has many similarities to the SAT. Both are now computer adaptive tests (CAT); no need to bring a pencil, pen or paper to the test site. In a CAT, you answer one question at a time; your answer to each question determines the difficulty level of the next question. As you answer questions correctly, the computer program increases the difficulty of your questions; when you answer a question incorrectly, the computer program provides another of the same difficulty or a slightly reduced difficulty. Eventually, the computer program determines your score based on the correct level of your skill in that area.

The GRE exam measures three skill areas:

Analytical Writing     (2 tasks for a total of 60 minutes)

Verbal Reasoning   (2 sections for a total of 60 minutes)

Quantitative Analysis   (2 sections for a total of 70 minutes)

The analytical writing section uses a free-response (or essay) format to measure your ability to write complex thoughts in clear, precise English prose. The skills you need to demonstrate in this section include:

  • -Evaluate claims and evidence
  • -Develop a complex, coherent argument/discussion
  • -Support ideas with reasons and example
  • -Write using standard punctuation and grammar

For this section of the test, you will need to write an essay or argument for each of the two tasks. You should be able to type and use a basic word processing program (no, the word processor does not have grammar or spell check – you have to supply those skills on your own).

For most international students, this section is moderately difficulty. Although the GRE exam requires you to demonstrate a sophisticated command of written English, the free response format allows you to craft your answer in whatever ways highlight your strengths.

The verbal reasoning section uses a multiple choice format to measure your command of English vocabulary and reading comprehension. It is very similar to the SAT and ACT reading comprehension tests, although the questions are generally more evaluative and require a finer command of the subtleties of the English language.

The skills measured in the verbal reasoning sections of the GRE exam include:

  • -Analyze multiple layers of meaning (both literal and figurative)
  • -Distinguish between significant and irrelevant information
  • -Identify and accommodate for authorial bias / perspective
  • -Identify and analyze the structure of a text (chronological, spatial, process)
  • -Understand the meanings of words and phrases

For most international students, the verbal reasoning section will be the most challenging, especially for those students for whom English is not their primary language. This section demands a very sophisticated level of English comprehension; however, don’t despair. As with any test, preparation is the key to success. If you have concerns about the GRE exam and your English, that just means you invest more time in preparing before you sit for the exam.

The quantitative reasoning sections also use a multiple choice format to measure your ability to perform basic and complex mathematical calculations. This section is the most similar to the SAT and ACT tests, in both style and question difficulty.

The skills measured in the quantitative reasoning sections of the GRE exam include:

  • -Understanding quantitative data (both as tables and graphs
  • -Analyzing data (statistics, probability)
  • -Applying basic mathematical skills (arithmetic, algebra, geometry)

For most international students, the quantitative reasoning section will be the easiest to master and require the least preparation. However, that does not mean you should take it lightly. You should invest some time in reviewing basic mathematical formulas, with special emphasis on statistical and probability analysis.

What are the GRE Subject Tests?  

Along with the general revised Graduate Record Exam (GRE), there are subject-specific exams you can take. The GRE has specific tests on the following subject areas:

  • -Biochemistry, cell and molecular biology
  • -Biology
  • -Chemistry
  • -Literature in English
  • -Mathematics
  • -Physics
  • -Psychology

These tests are optional. Please check with the university to which you are applying to determine if they want you to take a subject area test. But, even if your program does not require a subject-area GRE test, you might choose to take it and submit the scores – with the hope that your excellent score will help distinguish you from the other applicants.

GRE Registration

You can register to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) in a variety of ways. The easiest method for most is to register on-line by creating a GRE account. However, you may also register for the GRE exam by mail or by phone.

The cost to take the general GRE is currently $185; each subject tests costs $150. There are also a variety of additional services (such as test preparation services) that are available to you for additional fees.

GRE Testing Around the World

You do not have to wait until you are in the USA to take the GRE exam. There are about 700 ETS-authorized testing centers in more than 160 countries. In most countries, you can take a computer-based GRE at any time throughout the year. And in those regions where computer access is more limited, you may still be able to take the GRE in a pencil-paper format. Regardless of location or format, your GRE exam scores will be transmitted to the universities you designate, so they may evaluate your scores with the rest of your application.

What about GRE Scoring?

Your performance on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) will earn a numeric evaluation for each of the three testing subsets:

Analytical Reasoning

0 – 6 in half point increments

Verbal Reasoning

130 – 170 in single point increments

Quantitative Reasoning

130 – 170 in single point increments

It is nearly impossible to advise you what score you should aim for (beyond stating “as high a score as you can”). Each university has its own expectations for GRE scores. The best way to set a GRE goal is to research the programs to which you are applying.

GRE exam scores are valid for five years after the test administration. Within that timeframe, you can request (for a fee) ETS to transmit your scores to any universities you’d like.

GRE Preparation

Preparation is the key to success in the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), as it is in nearly every area of life. There are a host of resources available for you to help improve your scores (arranged in ascending order of cost):

  • Free test questions on the internet (including, the company that designed the GRE)
  • GRE exam preparation books
  • GRE exam preparation software
  • GRE exam preparation courses (often very expensive, but often these courses include a score improvement guarantee)

Before you invest in a course (or even a book), keep in mind that the first step to GRE success is self-awareness. You need to accurately judge your own academic and intellectual strengths and weaknesses, so you may make wise decisions about how to improve your GRE scores.

GRE Practice

  1. The candidate announced, to the _______ of her devoted campaigners, that unless her performance in the polls improved she would _______ the race.
  2. consternation .. withdraw from
  3. bewilderment .. abstain from
  4. mortification .. continue
  5. delight .. constrain
  6. awe .. renounce
  7. A large aquarium contains 20 more guppies than angelfish. If the ratio of angelfish to guppies is 4 : 5, what is the total number of guppies and angelfish in the aquarium?
  8. 200
  9. 180
  10. 100
  11. 54
  12. 36
  13. Company regulations prohibit employees from smoking in the company cafeteria. Susan is an employee of the company. Thus, Susan does not smoke in the cafeteria. Which of the following is an unstated premise of the argument above that is necessary to make the conclusion valid?
  14. Susan has never smoked in the cafeteria.
  15. Company regulations prohibit Susan from smoking in the cafeteria.
  16. Susan obeys her company’s regulations.
  17. Company employees usually do not do what they are prohibited from doing.
  18. Company employees have never been allowed to smoke in the cafeteria.

Answers and Explanations

  1. The correct answer is (A). Sentence completions are meant to test your intuitive grasp of the structure and logic of sentences. Keywords usually indicate either opposition or similarity. That is, the keyword will indicate that the missing word is either opposite or like another word in the sentence. In this example, the keyword unless indicates opposition: in this case, opposition to continuing in the race. The unless tells us that unless something good happens to her performance, she’ll go in the opposite direction. That is, she’ll withdraw from the race. Because we know her campaigners are devoted, we can imagine that they would feel consternation at her withdrawing. Therefore, the answer is (A). You might have been tempted by (B), but “abstain from” isn’t quite right, as it would indicate that she isn’t in the race already.
  2. The correct answer is (B). This is an example of a problem-solving question. For every 4 guppies there are 5 angelfish: it’s a ratio. Since there can’t be a fraction of a fish, the total number of angelfish and guppies must be an integer multiple of 9. For every 9 fish, there is 1 more guppies than angelfish. Since you are given that there are 20 more guppies than angelfish in the
  3. The correct answer is (C). This is an example of a logical reasoning question. Questions that ask you to find an unstated premise, or assumption, are testing your ability to fill in missing steps in an argument. If you get stuck on a question like this, use the denial test: Negate each answer choice as you read it. The correct answer, when it’s been negated, will turn the argument into gibberish. The negation of the correct answer must be inconsistent with the argument. Here, the answer is (C). Let’s try negating (C). Let’s pretend that Susan DOESN’T obey her company’s regulations. Then the company’s regulations would have no effect on her, and we’d have no reason to believe that she doesn’t smoke in the cafeteria. That is, the author’s evidence about the company’s regulations wouldn’t add up to the conclusion that “Susan does not smoke in the cafeteria.”

GRE Test Day

It is critical that you bring your registration information and photo identification with you on the day of your test administration. Because your GRE exam score can determine whether or not you get a Masters’ degree or PhD, test security is absolutely essential. For that reason, you may not bring your cellphone, PDA or any other electronic device into the testing center.


The GMAT is a standardized test often used for business school admissions. Learn about the format, how scoring works, and how to prepare for the GMAT to decide if this exam is right for you.

The GMAT is a standardized test often used for business school admissions. Learn about the format, how scoring works, and how to prepare for the GMAT to decide if this exam is right for you.

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized exam often used for admission to graduate business schools and Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs. The exam, administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), measures analytical and critical thinking skills that are commonly necessary for success in graduate business programs.

Admissions committees typically use these exam scores to gauge your preparedness for graduate-level coursework. Although it’s just one piece of the MBA admission process (and it’s not always required), with a good GMAT score, you may stand out academically and qualify for merit-based scholarships.

In this article, we’ll discuss what you can expect from the GMAT and offer some tips for preparing for this entrance exam.

GMAT sections


The GMAT is divided into four sections—analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning. The exam takes a total of three hours and seven minutes, with two optional eight-minute breaks.

Here’s a quick breakdown of each section:


The GMAT is a standardized test often used for business school admissions. Learn about the format, how scoring works, and how to prepare for the GMAT to decide if this exam is right for you.

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized exam often used for admission to graduate business schools and Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs. The exam, administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), measures analytical and critical thinking skills that are commonly necessary for success in graduate business programs.

Admissions committees typically use these exam scores to gauge your preparedness for graduate-level coursework. Although it’s just one piece of the MBA admission process (and it’s not always required), with a good GMAT score, you may stand out academically and qualify for merit-based scholarships.

In this article, we’ll discuss what you can expect from the GMAT and offer some tips for preparing for this entrance exam.

GMAT sections

The GMAT is divided into four sections—analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning. The exam takes a total of three hours and seven minutes, with two optional eight-minute breaks.

Here’s a quick breakdown of each section:

Section, Number of questions, Total time and Score range

Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), 1 question, 30 minutes, 0-6 points 

Integrated Reasoning, 12 questions 30 minutes, 1-8 points

Quantitative Reasoning, 31 questions, 62 minutes, 6-51 points

Verbal Reasoning, 36 questions, 65 minutes, 6-51 points

Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)

In this section, you have 30 minutes to analyze an argument. You will be expected to write an analytical essay that involves reviewing and critiquing an argument’s reasoning. Arguments pertain to a variety of general interest topics, so you don’t have to be well-versed in any one topic. Instead, you will be scored on how well you evaluate the argument’s reason and evidence, support your own ideas, and organize your response. 

Integrated Reasoning

In this section, you have 30 minutes to complete 12 questions that measure your ability to use data for solving problems, though many of those main questions include additional questions. You can expect four main types of questions, including graphics interpretation, multi-source reasoning, two-part analysis, and table analysis questions. You are allowed to use a calculator. 

Graphics interpretation: Measures your ability to read and understand data presented on graphs, especially when it comes to making inferences from such data. 

Multi-source reasoning: Measures your ability to read multiple sources in order to spot discrepancies and determine conclusions based on the information provided. 

Two-part analysis: Measures your ability to solve complex verbal and quantitative problems.  

Table analysis: Measures your ability to read and analyze a table of data, like a spreadsheet.  

Quantitative Reasoning

In this section, you will have 62 minutes to complete 31 questions that measure your ability to reason mathematically, solve quantitative problems, and understand graphic data. You can expect to see a lot of multiple-choice questions aimed at testing your ability to solve problems and choose the best answer based on your reasoning. 

Verbal Reasoning

In this section, you will have 65 minutes to answer 36 questions that measure your understanding of the English language, analytical skills, and ability to read critically. You can expect three types of questions, including reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence corrections. While these questions are multiple-choice, they will still draw on your ability to think critically, consider the evidence and draw conclusions. 

Reading comprehension: Measures your ability to read passages and make inferences based on information, context, and logical relationships.

Critical reasoning: Measures your ability to read short passages containing an argument and then evaluate the argument based on certain parameters.    

Sentence corrections: Measures your ability to identify correct grammatical usage in a sentence, as well as whether a sentence correctly expresses an idea.  

How GMAT scoring works

The GMAT is a computer-adaptative test, meaning the difficulty level of the questions adjusts to your performance as you answer each question. Correct answers will yield more difficult questions, while incorrect answers will generate easier questions. Ultimately, your score will reflect the difficultly level of your questions.

You will receive a score for each of the four GMAT sections you complete. You will also receive a Total GMAT Score, ranging between 200 and 800, that’s composed of your verbal and quantitative reasoning scores. Altogether, you will get five scores pertaining to your GMAT exam. 

Here’s how each section is scored: 

Analytical Writing Assessment: 0-6

Integrated Reasoning: 1-8

Verbal Reasoning: 6-51

Quantitative Reasoning: 6-51

Total GMAT Score: 200-800

Right after you complete the test, you’ll receive an unofficial score. Your official scores should be ready within 20 calendar days of the test date. GMAT scores are valid for five years and are available for reporting for up to 10 years.

What is a good GMAT score?

Upon receiving your unofficial test scores, you’ll have two minutes to accept or cancel these scores. If you fail to decide, your scores will automatically be canceled. It’s better to come prepared knowing which minimum score you’re willing to accept for yourself, or whether you’d prefer to wait and retake the exam another time. You can retake the GMAT once every 16 calendar days, for a total of five times within 12 months. 


BefAcademy, in collaboration with GICACES Global is an accredited preparation centre for DELPH, DAPH,TCF, TEF, TEFaQ and TEF Canada

TEF CANADA and TEFaQ are French proficiency tests recognized by the Ministère de l’Immigration de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI) for the CSQ (Certificat de sélection du Québec) and by the CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) for federal immigration applications and in the citizenship application process.

They are also recognized as proof of language level by universities, CÉGEPS, various professional associations and many employers.

In general, the requirements of the Ministry of Immigration are:

1  Canadian Citizenship : listening and speaking for the TEF Canada and TEFaQ.

2  Federal Canadian Immigration : reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing and speaking during the same session of TEF Canada

3  Immigration Quebec : Listening comprehension and Speaking tests are mandatory in the same, or multiple, sessions. Writing and Speaking tests are at the discretion of the TEFAQ candidate.

Candidates must respect a 30-day wait period between two test registrations regardless of the test location. If this 30-day period is not met, the registration will be cancelled.

Immigrating to Canada and obtaining Canadian citizenship with the TEF Canada

As part of the immigration and citizenship application procedures, the federal government of Canada has recognized the TEF Canada since 2002 to certify an applicant’s knowledge of French.


As part of a Canada immigration application, you must take the following tests:

Oral comprehension: 40 minutes – 40 questions

Written comprehension: 60 minutes – 40 questions

Oral expression: 15 minutes – 2 subjects

Written expression: 60 minutes – 2 subjects

As part of a Canadian citizenship application, you must take the following tests:

Oral comprehension: 40 minutes – 40 questions

Oral expression: 15 minutes – 2 subjects

Important! All the tests must be taken the same day for your certification to be recognized by the Canadian authorities.

Tuition fees (exempt from taxes)

Oral comprehension : 110$,00 $

Oral expression : 110,00 $

Written comprehension : 65,00 $

Written expression : 65,00 $

Register now to TCF or TEF Canada and save the taxes.


Accelerate Your Invitation Chances for Canadian Permanent Residency with the TCF Test

Take the fastest route to your dream with the TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français) certificate!


Why Choose the TCF Exam for Your Canadian Immigration Journey?


The TCF exam evaluates your French language proficiency, a crucial requirement for immigration and citizenship in Canada. By acing the TCF, you significantly boost your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score and your chances in the Express Entry pool, ensuring a smoother journey to permanent residency.

Increasing Your Chances for Permanent Residency

50 additional points for your CRS score

at Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) 7

Only 336 vs 534 CRS points in the most recent French Stream Draw versus the General Draw

Francophone exclusive draws with new Express Entry category-based invitations

Additional provincial immigration streams

 About the Test


The TCF-Canada is made up of 4 mandatory tests that assess general French language skills.


The TCF Canada lasts for a total of 2 hours and 47 minutes.


Listening Comprehension


Exam room test with 39 multiple choice questions


35 minutes


Reading Comprehension

Exam room test with 39 multiple choice questions

60 minutes

 Written Skills

Exam room test with 3 exercises

60 minutes

Verbal Skills

Individual test one-on-one with an examiner with 3 exercises

12 minutes (including 2 minutes for preparation)






Il CELI Impatto attesta la conoscenza della lingua italiana al livello A1 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento: livello di contatto definibile in termini di competenza introduttiva relativa a routine memorizzate.


I candidati riescono a interagire nell’ambito di brevi domande e risposte su di sé, la propria casa, la propria famiglia. Riescono a comprendere e utilizzare formule di uso quotidiano per soddisfare bisogni concreti.

CELI 1 – A2


Il CELI 1 attesta la conoscenza della lingua italiana al livello A2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento.


Il candidato deve aver sviluppato le abilità linguistiche necessarie per poter iniziare ad interagire nella vita sociale e lavorativa in un contesto dove ci si esprima in italiano.


Al livello A2 i candidati sono in grado di scambiare informazioni di base su di sé, la famiglia, il lavoro in ambiti di immediata rilevanza e di descrivere in modo semplice situazioni ed eventi anche al passato.


CELI 2 – B1


Il CELI 2 attesta la conoscenza della lingua italiana al livello B1 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento.


Il candidato deve aver sviluppato abilità linguistiche tali da sapersi gestire in situazioni ampiamente prevedibili della vita sociale e lavorativa in un contesto dove ci si esprima in italiano.


Al livello B1 i candidati sono in grado di interagire nell’ambito di situazioni ed argomenti familiari e di loro interesse. Sono altresì in grado di esprimere in modo semplice sogni e speranze, esporre brevemente ragioni e dare spiegazioni.

CELI 3 – B2


Il CELI 3 attesta la conoscenza della lingua italiana al livello B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento.


Il candidato deve aver sviluppato abilità linguistiche tali non solo da affrontare tranquillamente viaggi in Italia, ma anche da poter lavorare ed iscriversi a corsi di studio in contesto italiano. Possono sorgere delle difficoltà in situazioni non familiari o quando venga richiesto l’utilizzo di un linguaggio più specifico.


Al livello B2 i candidati sono in grado di interagire con relativa scioltezza e spontaneità su un’ampia gamma di argomenti, esprimendo le proprie opinioni nonché i pro e i contro di determinate tesi ed opinioni.


Il Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca riconosce il CELI 3 come certificato valido per attestare la conoscenza della lingua italiana necessaria per iscriversi all’Università in Italia nel contingente che ciascuna Università destina agli studenti stranieri.

CELI 4 – C1


Il CELI 4 attesta la conoscenza della lingua italiana al livello C1 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento.


Il candidato deve aver sviluppato abilità linguistiche tali da poter lavorare ed iscriversi a corsi di studio anche di livello universitario e/o post-universitario in contesto italiano ed essere in grado di interagire anche in situazioni non familiari o quando venga richiesto l’utilizzo di un linguaggio più specifico.


Al livello C1 i candidati si esprimono in modo scorrevole spontaneo e vario sia in contesti lavorativi ed accademici sia in contesti di socializzazione.


CELI 5 – C2


Il CELI 5 attesta la conoscenza della lingua italiana al livello C2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento.


Il candidato deve aver sviluppato abilità linguistiche tali da potersi inserire con successo in qualsiasi contesto italiano anche di studio e/o di lavoro.


Al livello C2 i candidati sono in grado di usare la lingua in qualsiasi contesto relativamente ad argomenti anche complessi, risultando sempre efficaci. Sono altresì in grado di esprimere sfumature di significato adattandoli al contesto.



Diploma livello elementare A1 – Accademia Italiana di Lingua

AIL | Italian Language Qualifications



Suggested preparation time: 50-60 hours

Duration of exam: 1 hour and 40 minutes

Exam is offered twice a year

Ability level according to the Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue assessment scale (CEFR): A1

Ability level according to the Schneider/North assessment scale: N2

Written Comprehension (20 minutes)

2 short texts (40-60 words) followed by 10 true/false questions

3 images with text (advertising, notice-boards,…) followed by 6 true/false questions

– Written Production (30 minutes)

A reply to an email, text message, invitation or a form to be completed (30-40 words)

– Morphosyntactic and Lexical Skills (15 minutes)

Fill-in-the-blanks using given words

Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

5 short conversations to combine the right image

10 multiple-choice questions

Oral exam in pairs (duration: 15 minutes)

Presentation and discussion of a given topic (with the aid of a scheme)

Descriptions of pictures (with the help of the examiner)

Role play in 3 with common scenarios (with the examiner’s intervention)

By passing this examination in Italian language, the candidate demonstrates understanding of simple and familiar expressions and to be able to interact in simple contexts with the help of the interlocutor.

AIL Exams


AIL – Dates&Prices

AIL – Enrolment Form

AIL – Preparation Courses














BefAcademy offers German exams worldwide (On campus and Online) for adults and young learners at levels A1-C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Quality standards during the development, administration, and implementation of the German exams are an essential part of our work. With success, BefAcademy graduates  and their certificates are valued worldwide as internationally recognized proofs of language knowledge for visa procedures, professional recognition or registration at a university.


Zertifikat A1:

At the A1 level, the Goethe-Institut offers two exams:

Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Fit in Deutsch 1 (for children and young people, recommended ages 10 and above)


Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 (for adults, recommended ages 16 and above) 


Both exams confirm basic language knowledge at the A1 level. The exams comprise listening, reading, writing and speaking sections. 

By passing the A1 exam, candidates prove that they can interact in a simple way and introduce themselves, as well as answer basic questions about personal information and fall back on gestures can use known, mundane and commonly used phrases and simple sentences (e.g., information about themselves and their family, about shopping, work/school, their living situation): 

 understand short, basic conversations in everyday situations if the interlocutor/s speaks slowly and clearly. 


The Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 is recognized as proof of language proficiency for spousal reunification.


Zertifikat A2:

At the A2 level, the Goethe-Institut offers two exams:  

Goethe-Zertifikat A2: Fit in Deutsch (for young people, recommended ages 12 and above) 

Goethe-Zertifikat A2 (for adults, recommended ages 16 and above) 

Both exams confirm basic language knowledge at the A2 level. The exams comprise listening, reading, writing and speaking sections.

By passing the A2 exam, candidates prove that they can use and understand commonly used expressions and phrases in everyday situations; 

 can participate in basic, routine communication if it is about familiar and common topics like their origin and education, the immediate environment and needs; 

can extract the main information from short texts with frequent vocabulary (simple newspaper articles, advertisements or notice boards). 


Zertifikat B1:

At the B1 level, the Goethe-Institut offers the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 as an exam version for young people (recommended ages 12 and above) and an exam version for adults (recommended ages 16 and above). Both exams certify proficient language knowledge at the B1 level. 

The Goethe-Zertifikat B1 comprises listening, reading, writing and speaking modules, which can be taken individually or combined. The exam offers full flexibility thanks to its modular structure. 

By passing the B1 exam, candidates prove that they… 

 –can understand the main information if clear standard language is spoken and the conversation is about everyday topics like work, school or leisure; 

-can express themselves in a simple, structured and addressee-specific way about known topics, personal interests and experiences, dreams and goals, as well as give reasons and explanations; 

-can understand uncomplicated non-fiction texts about their interests and their own field. 


The Goethe-Zertifikat B1 is recognized as proof of language proficiency for permanent residency and naturalization in Germany. 


Zertifikat B2:

At the B2 level, the Goethe-Institut offers the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 as an exam version for young people (recommended ages 15 and above) and an exam version for adults (recommended ages 16 and above). Both exams certify proficient language knowledge at the B2 level. 

The Goethe-Zertifikat B2 comprises listening, reading, writing and speaking modules, which can be taken individually or combined. The exam offers full flexibility thanks to its modular structure. 

By passing the B2 exam, candidates prove that they… 


-can understand the main information in complex texts about concrete and abstract topics and professional discussion in their field; 

-can communicate spontaneously and fluently so that regular interaction with another German speaker is possible without strain on either party; 

-can express themselves clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, explain a position on a current question and specify the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities. 

The Goethe-Zertifikat B2 is recognized as proof of language for visa procedures regarding the search for an apprenticeship. For some studies at a university or institutions of higher education in Germany, the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 is also accepted. 


Zertifikat C1:

At the C1 level, Goethe-Institut offers the Goethe-Zertifikat C1 as an exam version for adults (recommended ages 16 and above). It certifies advanced proficient language knowledge at the C1 level. 

The Goethe-Zertifikat C1 comprises listening, reading, writing and speaking modules, which can be taken individually or combined. The exam offers full flexibility thanks to its modular structure. 

By passing the C1 exam, candidates prove that they… 

-can use the German language flexibly and effectively in private, public, academic and professional contexts; 


-can understand challenging and long texts and their implicit meaning even if the topic is not familiar; 

-can communicate spontaneously and fluently and argue a position. 

The Goethe-Zertifikat C1 is recognized as proof of language at many universities and institutions of higher education in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 

 Zertifikat C2:

At the C2 level, Goethe-Institut offers the Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes deutsches Sprachdiplom as an exam version for adults (recommended ages 18 and above). It certifies highly advanced proficient language knowledge at the C2 level. 

The Goethe-Zertifikat C2 comprises listening, reading, writing and speaking modules, which can be taken individually or combined. The exam offers full flexibility thanks to its modular structure. 

In the second part of the writing module, candidates may choose a literature-related topic. These exercises are being created in collaboration with the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. 


By passing the exam, candidates prove that they… 

-can summarize information from different written and oral sources and reproduce justifications and explanations coherently; 

-can communicate fluently, spontaneously and precisely and make differentiated meanings clearly; 

-can understand practically everything they read or hear in German without any effort. 

The Goethe-Zertifikat C2 is recognized as proof of language proficiency for studies or research in Germany, Austria and Switzerland at all universities and institutions of higher education. 

In Germany, the Federal States recognize the C2 exam as proof of language proficiency as part of the teaching qualification (“Lehramtsqualifikation”). 

Further information is given by the recognizing bodies in the respective federal state, such as the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, the Office for Teacher Training, the District Council or the Senate Committee.

Learning how the office and business environments work is beneficial for anyone looking to make it big one day. Secretaries get a lot of exposure to these worlds, since they are constantly involved in the inner workings. They get first hand and on-the-job experience, making it a very lucrative position to be in.

This Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) program, offered by HILAPS Institute, will cover most of the base knowledge as well as some extra skills and abilities you will need to succeed.

The course is up to 9 months in length:

–          24 weeks of classroom studies and evaluations

–          2 months internship

–          1 month of project and defense

Common secretarial tasks include:

    1. Maintaining records and files
    2. Keeping the office tidy
    3. Answering phones
    4. Taking messages
    5. Typing letters
    6. Welcoming clients
    7. Maintaining websites
    8. Managing petty cash
    9. Making travel arrangements


1. Introduction to Business English

2. Office Communication

3. Excellence in Service: Basic

4. Computer Practice

5. Business Etiquette

6. Organisational Skills

  1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship

1. Introduction to Business English

  1. Introduction to communication
  2. Non-verbal communication
  3. Business writing
  4. Speaking, listening and reading skills
  5. Meetings
  6. Presentations
  7. Work readiness

2. Office Communication

  1. Definitions
  2. Making sense of the definitions
  3. Check your understanding
  4. Different types of information that a business person can impart and receive
  5. Essential communication skills for a secretary
  6. Quick definition: Channel of communication
  7. Telephone: Origin and meaning
  8. What can we use telephones to do (in everyday life)?
  9. The telephone in the workplace
  10. Why and how telephones are used in the workplace
  11. Dos and don’ts of telephone use


3.Excellence in Service: Basic

  1. Customer service fundamentals
  2. Customer service skills
  3. Customer management
  4. Customer communication

4. Computer Practice

  1. Introduction to computers
  2. Hardware and software
  3. Keyboard proficiency
  4. Storage devices
  5. Operating System: Windows 7
  6. Word Processing: Microsoft Word 2010
  7. Desktop Publishing: Microsoft Publisher
  8. Microsoft Excel: Introduction
  9. Microsoft Excel: Manipulating functions
  10. Microsoft Excel: Set display of the worksheet
  11. Microsoft Excel: Formulae
  12. Microsoft Excel: Charts and graphs


5. Business Etiquette

  1. Office protocol
  2. Professional conduct
  3. Communication in the workplace
  4. Etiquette in communication
  5. Business functions
  6. Travelling for business


6. Organizational Skills

  1. Information management
  2. Managing incoming information
  3. Managing outgoing information
  4. Time management
  5. Organizing time
  6. Coordinating time with others
  7. Team time management
  1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  2. What is entrepreneurship?
  3. Characteristics of an entrepreneur

    iii.            Why study Entrepreneurship

  1. Creation of Enterprise


Instruction Methodology:

–          Lectures

–          Tutorials

–          Workshops

–          Professional Immersion (Internship)


–          Assignments

–          Presentations

–          Tests

–          End of Semester exams

–          Internship Report

Trainees will have to complete the recommended assignments, test and exams.

The assignments are designed to help through learning to make sure that they completely understand all the topics covered and that they can apply this to their working environment.

Trainees will also be expected to come up with a business project which they will defend at the end of their training.


Graphic Design Course


Complete Graphics Design Course for Beginner to Advanced

Learn Graphice Design With Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Lightroom

What you’ll learn

All essential skills for graphics design

Use of tools in adobe photoshop

 Use o tools in adobe illustrator

Use of tools in adobe lightroom

This course includes:

 10 hours on-demand video

1 downloadable resource

 Access on mobile and TV

 Full lifetime access

Certificate of completion

Course content

3 sections • 46 lectures • 9h 53m total length




Selection _ direct selection tool redo

 Wand and lasso tool

Pen tool

Curvature tool redo

 Type,area type tool

All type tools redo

Why is alignment important, aligning shapes and texts

Alignment part 2

line tools part 1

Shape tools

Flare tool

Shape,pencil,smooth,eraser,join tool

Eraser, scissor and knife tool

Reflect & rotate tool-

Warp tool and width tool

 Twirl, pucker, bloat, scallop, crystalize, wrinkle, puppet wrap, free transf

Shape builder-live paint bucket-live paint selection tool

 Perspective grid _ perspective select tool

 Mesh tool

 Gradient tool

Eye dropper, measure, blend tool

Symbol sprayer, column graph, slice, artboard, hand _ zoom tool plus color a

#Image Filter and Selection 

#Interface and Import

Save and export

Spot healing Skin Retouching

 Texture for skin

 Use of presets

 Vibrance and saturation

White Balance and tone


 Adobe photoshop Intro


Main menu

Move, Shape _ Lasso tool

Selection tools

Crop tool

Eydropper tools

Healing spot brush tools

Brush tools

 Clone Stamp tools

History brush

Eraser tool

Gradient Tools

Essential Keyboard Shortcut


understand English and or French Language

 basic computer knowledge


Are you passionate about unleashing your creativity and turning your ideas into stunning visual masterpieces? Look no further! This comprehensive BefAcademycourse is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to excel in graphic design using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Lightroom.

Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate designer looking to enhance your existing skills, this course provides a step-by-step approach to mastering the three powerful Adobe software applications. With a focus on practical techniques and real-world projects, you’ll gain hands-on experience and develop a strong foundation in graphic design principles

In this course, you’ll learn:

Adobe Photoshop Fundamentals:

Navigating the Photoshop interface and understanding essential tools.

 Image manipulation and retouching techniques.

 Working with layers, masks, and blending modes.

Creating visually striking compositions and photo composites.

Designing web graphics, banners, and social media assets.

Adobe Illustrator Essentials:

Understanding vector graphics and the Illustrator workspace.

Creating and editing shapes, paths, and typography.

Mastering the pen tool for precise illustration and logo design.

Utilizing gradients, patterns, and effects to enhance your designs.

Designing logos, icons, and vector illustrations.

Adobe Lightroom for Professional Photography:

Importing, organizing, and managing your photo library.

Performing non-destructive edits for optimal image enhancement.

 Utilizing Lightroom presets and advanced adjustment tools.

Retouching portraits and landscapes to achieve stunning results.

Exporting and sharing your edited photos across multiple platforms

Throughout the course, you’ll work on practical projects that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing you to apply your newfound knowledge immediately. Additionally, you’ll receive expert guidance and personalized feedback from the instructor to ensure your progress and address any questions or challenges you may encounter.


By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of graphic design principles and be equipped with the skills necessary to create captivating designs, manipulate images, and edit photos professionally using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Lightroom.


Enroll now and embark on an exciting journey to become a skilled graphic designer! Unleash your creativity and bring your imagination to life with Adobe’s powerful design software.

Who this course is for:

beginner who want to learn graphics deisgn


Be an Expert in computer Hardware and Software Maintenance


Everything you know to become a Computer hardware and software repair Technician.


What you’ll learn


Desktop Computer basics


Computer Ports


Desktop computer repair guide


Desktop smps


Windows 7 and 10 installation


This course includes:


5.5 hours on-demand video


1 article


4 downloadable resources


Access on mobile and TV


Full lifetime access


Certificate of completion

Course content


4 sections • 39 lectures • 5h 35m total length


Desktop Computer 


#Chespset Motherboard 


What you’ll learn


Desktop Computer basics


Computer Ports


Desktop computer repair guide


Desktop smps


Windows 7 and 10 installation


This course includes:


5.5 hours on-demand video


1 article


4 downloadable resources


Access on mobile and TV


Full lifetime access


Certificate of completion


Course content


4 sections • 39 lectures • 5h 35m total length


Expand all sections


Desktop Computer


Chipset Motherboard


PCH Motherboard


Practical – Inside a Desktop Cabinet


Practical – Components of motherboard


Practical – Removing and fixing CPU cooler Fan


System Memory


Practical – ATX SMPS and ATX Power Connectors


Practical – Power Switch Headers


Practical – Switch on without power switch


Practical- power on connectors -2


Central Processing Unit (CPU)


Central Processing Unit [CPU]


CPU Packages


Practical – Installing CPU


Practical – Installing CPU and Fan


BIOS Chip [Basic input output System]


Practical – Installing M.2 NVme SSD

. Practical – Components of Motherboard 


CMOS and RTC section


Booting Process


USB Port


PCI Port


Hard Disk and SSD






Practical – BIOS Programming


Practical – Installing Graphics card in PCIe Slot


Desktop Computer Repair Guide 




Making bootable USB drive with Rufus Software


Making Multibootable USB Drive


BIOS Settings


Legacy and UEFI BIOS


Boot Menu




Understanding Softwares


Installing windows 7


windows 7 configuration


windows 10 installation


windows 10 configuration


Requirement for installing Windows 11


Bonus – How to speed up the computers




no previous experience required.




There are lots of computer system around us. All the jobs are depended on computer. Whether laptop or desktop computer, basic knowledge is essentials. If we have a required knowledge of any computer systems, we can find the fault very easily and can rectify it very quickly. We don’t need to pay for the technician to fix the issue. Without spending a cash penny you can repair the system very easily. This course will provide you with the knowledge of Desktop computer hardware . Computer motherboard block diagrams are detailed. System memory, primary memory and secondary memory covered, Switch Mode Power Supply {SMPS}, Motherboard details are available. You will learn how computer motherboard works and the peripherals are connected .SMPS power supply and its pin outs are briefed. All connectors and headers are covered. Front panel connectors and power switch details can be learned. Repair your own computer with confident and those need extra knowledge about the desktop computer systems can enrol in this course.


By having knowledge about computer hardware one can Start your own repair shop or can repair your own computers. Students having additional knowledge of computer hardware , can perform well in thier academical level and can earn lots of respect from the school mates and the teachers.


Who this course is for:


those who need knowledge about computer hardware and its Functions

Practical – Installing Secondary Harddisk


 Top companies offer this course to their employeesThis course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide. Learn more


What you’ll learn


Confident at Answering Networking Related Question


Open up opportunities to Networking/System programming Companies


Get familiar with Linux and Learn Linux System programming side by side


Build Github portfolio, strengthen your employability


Decorate your Resume with projects done in this Course


Learn Networking concepts at all Layers of OSI Model


Course content has been designed keeping the MNCs interviews in Mind


Coding Assignments and Projects


Become a Networking professional Developer


Master designing and Writing TCP/UDP Servers in Linux environment


Build & Decode the complete packet from scratch


Concept of Packet Encapsulation


L2 and L3 Routing, Vlan based Routing


Show less


This course includes:


23.5 hours on-demand video




2 articles


4 downloadable resources


Access on mobile and TV


Full lifetime access


Certificate of completion


Course content


21 sections • 198 lectures • 23h 23m total length


Expand all sections




Table Of Contents


Join Telegram Group


OSI Model Introduction


OSI Model Layers Functions


TCP IP Stack real World Analogy


Data Encapsulation and Decapsulation – Introduction


Data Encapsulation


Data Decapsulation


Data Encapsulation and Decapsulation on Forwarding nodes


A Big Picture


Test your Understanding


Networking Labs


What in this Section ?


Objective and Goals


Mininet Installation Procedure


Extra Tools Installation


Launching Mininet


Mininet TreeTopologies


IP Subnet


Subnetting Part 1


Subnetting Part 2


Data Delivery


Mac and IP Address


Network ID


Broadcast Addresses


Max Value and Control Bits


IP Address Configuration


Point to Point Links Mask


Broadcast Addresses In Detail


IP Maths Coding Assignments


Layer 2 Routing


L2 Routing Introduction


Local And Remote Subnets


L2 Routing – Basics


Ethernet Header format


How Layer 2 Routing is done ?


ARP Goals


ARP Standard Message Format


Address Resolution Protocol Part 1


Address Resolution Protocol part 2


Address Resolution Protocol Demonstration


Layer 2 Switch Concept


L2 Switch Functioning


Layer 2 Switch Example




Lab Session


Test Topology Description


L2 Topology Demo


L2 Topology Assignment


Layer 3 Routing


Layer 3 Routing Overview


Why we need L3 Routes ?


Semantics of Layer 3 Routes


Routing table Look up


L3 Routing Topology


Layer 3 Operations and Flowchart


Layer 3 Routing Example


Loopback interfaces – Introduction


Loopback interfaces – properties


Routing using Loopback IP Address as Destination Address


Lab Session on L3 Routing


L3 Topology Construction and Demo


Check your Understanding


Data Structure for L3 Routing Tables


Section For Developers


Prefix Masks and Wildcard


Data Structures


Route Insertion – Example 1


Route Insertion – Example 2




Route Search Algorithm


Route Deletion Algorithm


Longest Prefix Match – Route LookUp


Route Lookup Example 1


Route Lookup Example 2


Dynamic Construction of Layer 3 Routing Table


Part2 – Dynamic Construction of Layer 3 Routing Table


Broadcast Domain and Collision Domain


LANs and VLANs


11 more sections




Basic UG course on Networking


Basic programming skills in C is required




This course is about strengthening the Networking concepts and fundamentals with assignments side by side with theory. Through this course you will be able to :


1. Understand the Functioning of TCP/IP Stack (OSI Model). Understand the function of each layer in TCP/IP stack in good detail.


2. Explain the L2 routing concepts – Mac Addresses and ARP


3. Explain the L3 routing concepts – IP Addresses and IP protocol


4. Understand the procedure of Dynamic construction of L3 Routing Table


5. Understand various ways to design a Linux TCP/UDP server program in C


6. Understand Socket programming in C 


7. Understand the Networking devices functioning – L2 switch and L3 router


8. Understand packet Journey through the layers of TCP/IP stack


9. Design and implement HTTP Webservers from scratch


10. Read and manufacture the network packets from scratch


11. Understand the concept of TLVs


12. Concept of packet Encapsulation


13. Understand Domain Name System (DNS)


14. Virtual LANs (VLANs) and Routing in VLANs


15. Broadcast Domain and Collision Domain



We Understand – Networking by its nature is inclined towards being a theoretical subject of study. To arouse the interest of the students ,we elaborate each and every topic of this course through an assignment or project.


This course is thorough. We explain the design, discuss the code flow and then guide the audience how to implement the particular concept design in detail in a step by step manner. All you need is a Linux OS running on your system to do this course.


Who should do this course ?


This course is meant for UG Computer science students, job seekers and professional developers. This is MUST do course for those who want to join MNCs as a developer. The topics covered in this course are of utmost importance from interviews aspects and students graduating in computer science and looking to seek an opportunity in MNCs as a developer should have Networking concepts at his/her finger tips. Better to have done Networking under graduate course, not mandatory. Job seekers trying for the position of Networking developers in product based MNCs System software development including Networking is an evergreen area. Internet will not going to be doomed ever.





There is no pre-requisite for this course, however, it shall be advantage if you know a little of C. We designed this course assuming student is a complete beginner in Networking and we raise the level of course gradually as we move from Basic to advance Networking concepts. 


Also, Please just do not sit and watch my codes. Write your own codes, even if it is same as mine !


We have a strong reasons to choose C as a language for this course:


1. The entire core networking development work is being done in C in industry. So, this reason alone is good enough that you should learn network development in C if you are aiming to join industry as a network protocol developer. 


2. Network equipment need to interact with underlying hardware – the ASIC chips. What could be a better language other than C when it comes to interact and program the hardware.


3. C is middle level language – not as low as assembly, neither as high as Java/Python. In C, its the programmer’s responsibility to write every line of code to get the task done, unlike Java/Python which provides rich rest of libraries to do the most tasks for you. Using High Level Languages for learning network programming would obscure the low level details of networking – that is what is going behind the scenes. If you are are beginner in network programming, you must learn things from scratch and only C provides you the opportunity to do that. So, you must do all your assignments in C.


4. Networking is all about cooking up the packets and sending it out of wire. C will allow you to cook packets exactly the same way as you would like them to appear on wire. Lot of Bit level programming.  


5. If you are a beginner in Networking, pls refrain from learning network programming in High Level Languages such as Java Or Python. It is not job oriented thing to do in networking domain.


No Third Party libraries


Whatever logic you implement, you need to implement it from scratch. This course do not suggest taking help of any third party library to get the jobs done. Use of external libraries completely defeats the purpose of the course. However, it is recommended to use third party libraries for commonly used data structures such as linked lists/Trees/Queues etc which saves a lot of time implementing these data structures.



What else along with the course ?


If you are aiming to become a developer, then, besides strong in Data structure and Algorithms, you should have clarity of concepts related to other Linux utilities. Networking is all about system programming, and you would be interested in learning other linux concepts of prime importance such as Inter Process Communication, Remote Procedure Calls etc. Please take a look at my other courses in this regard. These courses will summed you up as a more competitive developer in Networking & System Programming domain.



See what students are saying about this course


Just Take a Look at These Top Rated Reviews (Browse review section to verify these reviews)


***** What a Fantastic Course!!! I really appreciate the efforts Abhishek has put in this course. He has put his sweat and heart into it. The way he explains things keeps you hooked on to this course. He directly gets TO THE POINT without beating around the bush. No author of any networking book can explain things like Abhishek is doing. What Abhishek is doing is that he is explaining the Meat of the subject. One would have to read 10 books to understand this. or perhaps more. There was a hunch in my heart that dont know networking clearly. This course meets my expectations with respect to content, clarity and teaching style with proper presentations. This course improves your understanding and removes the fear of not knowing…not only that, it injects a good amount of confidence about your knowledge of Networking…Thanks for coming up with such a course. Thanks Again.


***** Come across right course at right time. This course seems cover all important areas of networking. Author explains the topics in good detail and with good pace. This course looks like designed to beat technical interviews.


***** Great Course, instructor is very thorough and provide quick guidance and clear any doubts promptly with high availability. I really enjoyed this course. Networking has been a tough subject for me to learn, but this course has made it quite easy. I now have my concepts thoroughly clear ! Thanks Abhishek, and Udemy.


***** I am working as Firmware/Embedded engineer, and the courses from this guys are goddamn blessing. In the real industry, as he mentioned earlier, all network programming or Linux system programming must be implemented with C cuz C is a perfect language for accessing memory spaces and customizing serial communication with other chips. In the real industrial fields, no one is gonna teach you. You are the only one who needs to figure it out by yourself cuz everyone wishes you not to excel in workplace. Only one person can be a manager or supervisor. Take this guy’s courses. Needless to say, quality guaranteed. If I could do hacking on this site, i am gonna crash his lectures. I do not want other people to get benefits from his lectures. It would be best if he makes a lecture for “making Operating System from scratch” :) 



Warning : This course has auto system-generated subtitles which may not be perfect. Please disable subtitles as per your convenience.





0. Setting up Linux Development Environment on your machine 


For those who are not familiar with Linux Installation/environment


1. Networking and Programming Course

Top companies offer this course to their employeesThis course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide. Learn more

What you’ll learn

Confident at Answering Networking Related Question

Open up opportunities to Networking/System programming Companies

Get familiar with Linux and Learn Linux System programming side by side

Build Github portfolio, strengthen your employability

Decorate your Resume with projects done in this Course

Learn Networking concepts at all Layers of OSI Model

Course content has been designed keeping the MNCs interviews in Mind

Coding Assignments and Projects

Become a Networking professional Developer

Master designing and Writing TCP/UDP Servers in Linux environment

Build & Decode the complete packet from scratch

Concept of Packet Encapsulation

L2 and L3 Routing, Vlan based Routing

Show less

This course includes:

23.5 hours on-demand video


2 articles

4 downloadable resources

Access on mobile and TV

Full lifetime access

Certificate of completion

Course content

21 sections • 198 lectures • 23h 23m total length

Expand all sections


Table Of Contents

Join Telegram Group

OSI Model Introduction

OSI Model Layers Functions

TCP IP Stack real World Analogy

Data Encapsulation and Decapsulation – Introduction

Data Encapsulation

Data Decapsulation

Data Encapsulation and Decapsulation on Forwarding nodes

A Big Picture

Test your Understanding

Networking Labs

What in this Section ?

Objective and Goals

Mininet Installation Procedure

Extra Tools Installation

Launching Mininet

Mininet TreeTopologies

IP Subnet

Subnetting Part 1

Subnetting Part 2

Data Delivery

Mac and IP Address

Network ID

Broadcast Addresses

Max Value and Control Bits

IP Address Configuration

Point to Point Links Mask

Broadcast Addresses In Detail

IP Maths Coding Assignments

Layer 2 Routing

L2 Routing Introduction

Local And Remote Subnets

L2 Routing – Basics

Ethernet Header format

How Layer 2 Routing is done ?

ARP Goals

ARP Standard Message Format

Address Resolution Protocol Part 1

Address Resolution Protocol part 2

Address Resolution Protocol Demonstration

Layer 2 Switch Concept

L2 Switch Functioning

Layer 2 Switch Example


Lab Session

Test Topology Description

L2 Topology Demo

L2 Topology Assignment

Layer 3 Routing

Layer 3 Routing Overview

Why we need L3 Routes ?

Semantics of Layer 3 Routes

Routing table Look up

L3 Routing Topology

Layer 3 Operations and Flowchart

Layer 3 Routing Example

Loopback interfaces – Introduction

Loopback interfaces – properties

Routing using Loopback IP Address as Destination Address

Lab Session on L3 Routing

L3 Topology Construction and Demo

Check your Understanding

Data Structure for L3 Routing Tables

Section For Developers

Prefix Masks and Wildcard

Data Structures

Route Insertion – Example 1

Route Insertion – Example 2


Route Search Algorithm

Route Deletion Algorithm

Longest Prefix Match – Route LookUp

Route Lookup Example 1

Route Lookup Example 2

Dynamic Construction of Layer 3 Routing Table

Part2 – Dynamic Construction of Layer 3 Routing Table

Broadcast Domain and Collision Domain

LANs and VLANs

11 more sections


Basic UG course on Networking

Basic programming skills in C is required


This course is about strengthening the Networking concepts and fundamentals with assignments side by side with theory. Through this course you will be able to :

1. Understand the Functioning of TCP/IP Stack (OSI Model). Understand the function of each layer in TCP/IP stack in good detail.

2. Explain the L2 routing concepts – Mac Addresses and ARP

3. Explain the L3 routing concepts – IP Addresses and IP protocol

4. Understand the procedure of Dynamic construction of L3 Routing Table

5. Understand various ways to design a Linux TCP/UDP server program in C

6. Understand Socket programming in C 

7. Understand the Networking devices functioning – L2 switch and L3 router

8. Understand packet Journey through the layers of TCP/IP stack

9. Design and implement HTTP Webservers from scratch

10. Read and manufacture the network packets from scratch

11. Understand the concept of TLVs

12. Concept of packet Encapsulation

13. Understand Domain Name System (DNS)

14. Virtual LANs (VLANs) and Routing in VLANs

15. Broadcast Domain and Collision Domain

We Understand – Networking by its nature is inclined towards being a theoretical subject of study. To arouse the interest of the students ,we elaborate each and every topic of this course through an assignment or project.

This course is thorough. We explain the design, discuss the code flow and then guide the audience how to implement the particular concept design in detail in a step by step manner. All you need is a Linux OS running on your system to do this course.

Who should do this course ?

This course is meant for UG Computer science students, job seekers and professional developers. This is MUST do course for those who want to join MNCs as a developer. The topics covered in this course are of utmost importance from interviews aspects and students graduating in computer science and looking to seek an opportunity in MNCs as a developer should have Networking concepts at his/her finger tips. Better to have done Networking under graduate course, not mandatory. Job seekers trying for the position of Networking developers in product based MNCs System software development including Networking is an evergreen area. Internet will not going to be doomed ever.


There is no pre-requisite for this course, however, it shall be advantage if you know a little of C. We designed this course assuming student is a complete beginner in Networking and we raise the level of course gradually as we move from Basic to advance Networking concepts. 

Also, Please just do not sit and watch my codes. Write your own codes, even if it is same as mine !

We have a strong reasons to choose C as a language for this course:

1. The entire core networking development work is being done in C in industry. So, this reason alone is good enough that you should learn network development in C if you are aiming to join industry as a network protocol developer. 

2. Network equipment need to interact with underlying hardware – the ASIC chips. What could be a better language other than C when it comes to interact and program the hardware.

3. C is middle level language – not as low as assembly, neither as high as Java/Python. In C, its the programmer’s responsibility to write every line of code to get the task done, unlike Java/Python which provides rich rest of libraries to do the most tasks for you. Using High Level Languages for learning network programming would obscure the low level details of networking – that is what is going behind the scenes. If you are are beginner in network programming, you must learn things from scratch and only C provides you the opportunity to do that. So, you must do all your assignments in C.

4. Networking is all about cooking up the packets and sending it out of wire. C will allow you to cook packets exactly the same way as you would like them to appear on wire. Lot of Bit level programming.  

5. If you are a beginner in Networking, pls refrain from learning network programming in High Level Languages such as Java Or Python. It is not job oriented thing to do in networking domain.

No Third Party libraries

Whatever logic you implement, you need to implement it from scratch. This course do not suggest taking help of any third party library to get the jobs done. Use of external libraries completely defeats the purpose of the course. However, it is recommended to use third party libraries for commonly used data structures such as linked lists/Trees/Queues etc which saves a lot of time implementing these data structures.

What else along with the course ?

If you are aiming to become a developer, then, besides strong in Data structure and Algorithms, you should have clarity of concepts related to other Linux utilities. Networking is all about system programming, and you would be interested in learning other linux concepts of prime importance such as Inter Process Communication, Remote Procedure Calls etc. Please take a look at my other courses in this regard. These courses will summed you up as a more competitive developer in Networking & System Programming domain.

See what students are saying about this course

Just Take a Look at These Top Rated Reviews (Browse review section to verify these reviews)

***** What a Fantastic Course!!! I really appreciate the efforts Abhishek has put in this course. He has put his sweat and heart into it. The way he explains things keeps you hooked on to this course. He directly gets TO THE POINT without beating around the bush. No author of any networking book can explain things like Abhishek is doing. What Abhishek is doing is that he is explaining the Meat of the subject. One would have to read 10 books to understand this. or perhaps more. There was a hunch in my heart that dont know networking clearly. This course meets my expectations with respect to content, clarity and teaching style with proper presentations. This course improves your understanding and removes the fear of not knowing…not only that, it injects a good amount of confidence about your knowledge of Networking…Thanks for coming up with such a course. Thanks Again.

***** Come across right course at right time. This course seems cover all important areas of networking. Author explains the topics in good detail and with good pace. This course looks like designed to beat technical interviews.

***** Great Course, instructor is very thorough and provide quick guidance and clear any doubts promptly with high availability. I really enjoyed this course. Networking has been a tough subject for me to learn, but this course has made it quite easy. I now have my concepts thoroughly clear ! Thanks Abhishek, and Udemy.

***** I am working as Firmware/Embedded engineer, and the courses from this guys are goddamn blessing. In the real industry, as he mentioned earlier, all network programming or Linux system programming must be implemented with C cuz C is a perfect language for accessing memory spaces and customizing serial communication with other chips. In the real industrial fields, no one is gonna teach you. You are the only one who needs to figure it out by yourself cuz everyone wishes you not to excel in workplace. Only one person can be a manager or supervisor. Take this guy’s courses. Needless to say, quality guaranteed. If I could do hacking on this site, i am gonna crash his lectures. I do not want other people to get benefits from his lectures. It would be best if he makes a lecture for “making Operating System from scratch” :) 

Warning : This course has auto system-generated subtitles which may not be perfect. Please disable subtitles as per your convenience.


0. Setting up Linux Development Environment on your machine 

For those who are not familiar with Linux Installation/environment

1. OSI Model Vs TCP/IP Stack

Data Encapsulation and Data Decapsulation

Headers Cascading

Ingress and egress Journey of packet through a TCP/IP Stack

Big Picture

2. Multi-node setup environment on your machine

Setup Multinode Cluster of Virtual machines on your machine

Local and Remote Subnets

Layer 3 Route Semantics

Configure Layer 3 routes in nodes

Understand L3 Routing table semantics 

3. Subnetting and IP address

Understand Subnets

Differentiate between local and remote subnets

IP Address assignment scheme/policy

Data Delivery

Understand MAC addresses and their use

Calculation of Networking ID, Broadcast address and Cardinality of a subnet

Understand the relationship between L3 routers and Subnets

Understand Point-to-Point links

MAC layer and IP rules of packet rejection/acceptance

Broadcast Addresses

4. Layer 2 Networking concepts

L3 Router as a gateway to subnet

Protocol Identifier fields at each layer

Ethernet header format

How Ethernet hdr makes L2 routing possible

ARP (Address resolution protocol)

ARP table population and use

Step by Step ARP protocol functioning

Assignment on ARP

Layer2 Switch – How it works 

MAC address table

Step by Step description of L2 Switch functioning

Problem of Layer Thrashing

5. Layer 3 Networking concepts

Relationship between Layer2 and Layer3 routing

Explained the dependency of two layers over each other

Configuring Layer 3 routing table

Semantics of a Layer 3 route

Layer 3 route look up

Concept of Longest prefix match

IP Header – fields you should know

Network Layer Operations

Step by Step description of L3 routing routing

Loopback interface – purpose and configuring loopback interface 

Exercise on Layer 3 route installation, routing and forwarding of traffic

BroadCast and Collision Domain

6. Dynamic Construction of L3 Routing Table

Phase 1 – Neighbotship database management

Phase 2 – Creation of Link State Database

Phase 3 – Shortest Path first Algorithm

Calculation of Final Routing Table

7. Virtual LANs (VLANs)

LANs and why they are outdated today

VLANs – The purpose

802.1Q VLAN hdr

Rules of Vlan Tagging

Vlan Aware L2 Switches

Vlan based L2 routing

Other Vlan Benefits

8. Router to Vlan Forwarding

Convept of SVI interfaces

SVI – VLAN Binding

Router to Vlan Forwarding – Step by Step

9. Inter Vlan Routing

Two Step Process

From Src host Machine to Gateway L3 router

From Gateway L3 router to Dst host machine

Exercise and more examples

10. Network troubleshooting tools

How ping works – ICMP protocol description

Networking applications troubleshooting utilities – ping, wireshark, tcpdump 

Capturing the packets and examine its contents using tcpdump

11. Transport Layer

Layer Goals

Contrasting Layer2, Layer 3 and Layer 4 together

TCP and UDP – Properties of two protocols


Understanding TCP in Detail

Concept of Headers stacking

Concept of port numbers

Linux System call interface

12. Socket programming concepts

Socket Programming Design

Select System call

Accept System call

Concept of Multiplexing

Server State machine

13. Application Layer 

Different ways to implement Sockets

on Top of Transport layer

on Top of Network Layer

on Top of  Data link layer

Designing HTTP Webserver from scratch

HTTP Webserver Implementation

Custom application sockets

14. Domain Name System

What is DNS ?

DNS Architecture and Design


Hosting a website

DNS Resolver

DNS Query types

Iterative Query

Recursive DNS Query

Reverse DNS Query


15. IP-in-IP Encapsulation/Tunneling

What is IP-in-IP Encapsulation ?

Why we need IP-in-IP Encapsulation ?

How Encapsulated packet is routed in the network ?

Two scenarios using IP-in-IP Encapsulation

16. Concept of TLVs

What are TLVs

Why we need TLVs

Writing a TLV decoder

Benefits of TLVs in Network communication

STREAMS – Data Structure

TLV (De)Serialization using STREAMS


2 Aug 2020 – Added Section on Dynamic Construction of L3 Routing Table

14 June 2019 – Added Section on TCP

06 Oct 2018 – Added Section 6 On VLANs

07 Sept 2018 – Added Section 11, Domain Name System

13 July 2018 – Added Section 12, IP-in-IP Encapsulation/Tunneling

17 June 2018 – Added Section 10, The Application Layer and HTTP Webserver Design & Implementation

10 June 2018 – Added Section 15, The concept of TLVs

Who this course is for:

UG students, PG Students

Those looking to build a career in Networking Domain

Coding lovers who love to build projects and see things in Action

Those, who want to distinguish themselves from Crowd


Data Encapsulation and Data Decapsulation


Headers Cascading


Ingress and egress Journey of packet through a TCP/IP Stack


Big Picture


2. Multi-node setup environment on your machine


Setup Multinode Cluster of Virtual machines on your machine


Local and Remote Subnets


Layer 3 Route Semantics


Configure Layer 3 routes in nodes


Understand L3 Routing table semantics 


3. Subnetting and IP address


Understand Subnets


Differentiate between local and remote subnets


IP Address assignment scheme/policy


Data Delivery


Understand MAC addresses and their use


Calculation of Networking ID, Broadcast address and Cardinality of a subnet


Understand the relationship between L3 routers and Subnets


Understand Point-to-Point links


MAC layer and IP rules of packet rejection/acceptance


Broadcast Addresses


4. Layer 2 Networking concepts


L3 Router as a gateway to subnet


Protocol Identifier fields at each layer


Ethernet header format


How Ethernet hdr makes L2 routing possible


ARP (Address resolution protocol)


ARP table population and use


Step by Step ARP protocol functioning


Assignment on ARP


Layer2 Switch – How it works 


MAC address table


Step by Step description of L2 Switch functioning


Problem of Layer Thrashing


5. Layer 3 Networking concepts


Relationship between Layer2 and Layer3 routing


Explained the dependency of two layers over each other


Configuring Layer 3 routing table


Semantics of a Layer 3 route


Layer 3 route look up


Concept of Longest prefix match


IP Header – fields you should know


Network Layer Operations


Step by Step description of L3 routing routing


Loopback interface – purpose and configuring loopback interface 


Exercise on Layer 3 route installation, routing and forwarding of traffic


BroadCast and Collision Domain


6. Dynamic Construction of L3 Routing Table


Phase 1 – Neighbotship database management


Phase 2 – Creation of Link State Database


Phase 3 – Shortest Path first Algorithm


Calculation of Final Routing Table


7. Virtual LANs (VLANs)


LANs and why they are outdated today


VLANs – The purpose


802.1Q VLAN hdr


Rules of Vlan Tagging


Vlan Aware L2 Switches


Vlan based L2 routing


Other Vlan Benefits


8. Router to Vlan Forwarding


Convept of SVI interfaces


SVI – VLAN Binding


Router to Vlan Forwarding – Step by Step


9. Inter Vlan Routing


Two Step Process


From Src host Machine to Gateway L3 router


From Gateway L3 router to Dst host machine


Exercise and more examples


10. Network troubleshooting tools


How ping works – ICMP protocol description


Networking applications troubleshooting utilities – ping, wireshark, tcpdump 


Capturing the packets and examine its contents using tcpdump


11. Transport Layer


Layer Goals


Contrasting Layer2, Layer 3 and Layer 4 together


TCP and UDP – Properties of two protocols




Understanding TCP in Detail


Concept of Headers stacking


Concept of port numbers


Linux System call interface


12. Socket programming concepts


Socket Programming Design


Select System call


Accept System call


Concept of Multiplexing


Server State machine


13. Application Layer 


Different ways to implement Sockets


on Top of Transport layer


on Top of Network Layer


on Top of  Data link layer


Designing HTTP Webserver from scratch


HTTP Webserver Implementation


Custom application sockets


14. Domain Name System


What is DNS ?


DNS Architecture and Design




Hosting a website


DNS Resolver


DNS Query types


Iterative Query


Recursive DNS Query


Reverse DNS Query




15. IP-in-IP Encapsulation/Tunneling


What is IP-in-IP Encapsulation ?


Why we need IP-in-IP Encapsulation ?


How Encapsulated packet is routed in the network ?


Two scenarios using IP-in-IP Encapsulation


16. Concept of TLVs


What are TLVs


Why we need TLVs


Writing a TLV decoder


Benefits of TLVs in Network communication


STREAMS – Data Structure


TLV (De)Serialization using STREAMS





2 Aug 2020 – Added Section on Dynamic Construction of L3 Routing Table


14 June 2019 – Added Section on TCP


06 Oct 2018 – Added Section 6 On VLANs


07 Sept 2018 – Added Section 11, Domain Name System


13 July 2018 – Added Section 12, IP-in-IP Encapsulation/Tunneling


17 June 2018 – Added Section 10, The Application Layer and HTTP Webserver Design & Implementation


10 June 2018 – Added Section 15, The concept of TLVs


Who this course is for:


UG students, PG Students


Those looking to build a career in Networking Domain


Coding lovers who love to build projects and see things in Action


Those, who want to distinguish themselves from Crowd


What you’ll learn


Learn to Build a Complete Website with HTML5 & CSS3


Build Live JavaScript Form Validation


Integrate JavaScript within Your Website


Build a 3 Bootstrap 5 Live Projects


Build Django 3 Based EMS Web App


Build Django 3 Based Portfolio Project


Learn to set-up Web Development Environment


Learn Important HTML5 tags


Learn Text Formatting with HTML5


Create and Manage Tables within HTML5


Learn to Create Contact Form


Learn to Build a Login Form


Learn to Make a Registration Form


Learn to use HTML5 Media Items


Learn to use and Embed with iFrames


Understand Website Structure


Learn about Inline, Internal & External CSS


Learn to Work with Box Model


Learn about RWD (Responsive Web Design)


Learn to create and Manage CSS3 Animations


Learn to use JavaScript with Fundamentals in Practical


Learn to Create Functions, Loops with Data Types in JavaScript


Understand JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model)


Learn to Debug JavaScript Errors


Create a Live JavaScript Form Validation


Learn about JavaScript ECMA Script


Learn Bootstrap 5 from Scratch


Learn about Bootstrap 5 Layouts, Contents, Forms


Learn to Build an EMS (Employee Management System) App with Bootstrap 5


Learn to Build Blog App with Bootstrap 5


Learn to Build a Professional Website with Bootstrap 5


Learn about Python 3 and its Fundamentals


Learn about Data Structure in Python 3


Learn Object Oriented Programming in Python 3


Learn to Work with Python Files and Modules


Learn about Django 4 and Its Fundamentals


Learn about Django Project Setup & Installation


Learn to Create Superuser in Django


Learn to create, show & migrate migrations


Learn to add filters to Django Admin Panel


Learn about Django Template Tags and How to use them


Learn to add static files like images, CSS, and JS in Django


Learn to Build an EMS web app with Django 4


Learn to Build a Dynamic Portfolio website from Scratch


Show more


This course includes:


32 hours on-demand video


2 downloadable resources


Access on mobile and TV


Full lifetime access


Certificate of completion


Course content


43 sections • 515 lectures • 31h 51m total length


Expand all sections


Getting Started with HTML5


Introduction to HTML5 & CSS3


What you will need


Installing VS Code


Hello World!


HTML5 Tags


Forms in HTML5


HTML5 Media


HTML5 Website Structure


CSS & CSS3 Fundamentals


Project: Build Basic Website with HTML5 & CSS3


Getting Started with JavaScript


JavaScript Fundamentals


JavaScript Data Types


33 more sections




All you need is a PC / Laptop


Decent Internet Connectivity






Hey guys, Bootstrap section of this course is now updated to Bootstrap 5.3


This Advanced Web Developer Course: Beginner to Advanced course is a complete bundle of 6 in 1 course, which adds up to become the most Advanced Web Developer Course you will ever learn.


To get started and up and running with the course all you need is a PC / Laptop and decent internet connectivity. Every part of the course is designed for a complete beginner. So, you do not have to worry about any prior skills.


Even if you are an intermediate or an expert-level person, you can still use this course as a brush-up. You will be surprised how many new techniques have been covered in this course.


So, here’s what’s covered.


Complete In-Depth beginners guide to HTML5 & CSS3. In this section, you will learn to build a complete website from scratch.


JavaScript Training will help you integrate interactivity into your website.


ES6 or ECMA Script 6 will help you learn the latest standards of JavaScript


Bootstrap 5 is the latest CSS framework from Twitter. With this, you will learn to create 3 live projects. (Project Files Included)


You will learn the most popular programming language Python to get started building Python-based web apps.


In the end, you will learn to create web applications with Django 4


Who this course is for:

Anyone who is interested to learn web development

Anyone who wants to learn HTML5 & CSS3 in-depth

Anyone who wants to learn JavaScript & ECMA Script 6

Anyone who wants to learn Python

Anyone who want to build dynamic apps with Django


What you’ll learn


Learn Digital Marketing Easy & Fun in 111 Days: Copywriting, Content Marketing, SEO, Local SEO, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Google Ads, Retargeting on Google.


Learn Google Ads. You will Walk-through Setup, Configuration, Creating Ad Copy, Adding your Keywords, and Optimising your Ads to Drive Traffic to your Website.


Upskill and use your Knowledge to Boost Your Business or Switch Careers. Become a Digital Marketing Expert – Work as Freelancer or Land that Highly Paid Job.


Handy Walkthroughs to Adobe Premier Pro, DJI Osmo, and Rode Microphone to Help you Produce Smooth, and Crystal Clear Video Content Only With your Smartphone.


Learn Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads After Apple iOS 14.5+ Recent Restrictions. Optimise your Facebook Ads Budget. Boost E-commerce Sales. Enjoy Hot Leads.


Learn SEO Strategies – Including Proceed On-Page, Content & Image SEO, Featured Snippets, and E-Commerce SEO. Increase C-T-R. Learn Voice SEO & Local SEO.


Learn the Importance of the Customer Journey, the Number 1 Reason So Many People Fail on Social – Avoid most Common Mistake & Achieve Many More Conversions.


Expand your Customer Reach with Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads Insider Knowledge that you Can Use to Boost your Marketing Results. Sell More.


This course includes:


83 hours on-demand video


1 practice test




1 article


205 downloadable resources


Access on mobile and TV


Full lifetime access


Certificate of completion


Course content


112 sections • 569 lectures • 83h 2m total length


Expand all sections


Day 1 – Digital Marketing Essentials


Welcome to the Course!




More Resources & Udemy Student’s Experience & Facebook Group


Digital Marketing Essentials – Complete Introduction into Digital Marketing


QUIZ – Introduction into Digital Marketing


Brand Building, Growth Hacking, Affiliate Marketing & Product Marketing


QUIZ – Brand Building & Product marketing & Growth Hacking & Affiliate marketing


Reddit Marketing, Copywriting & Website Creation


QUIZ – Reddit Marketing & Copywriting & Website Creation


Video Marketing, YouTube Marketing, TikTok Marketing


QUIZ – Youtube Marketing & Video Marketing & Email marketing & TikTok Marketing




QUIZ – SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)


Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads & Quora Marketing


QUIZ – Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads & ChatBot Marketing


Pinterest Marketing, Twitter Marketing & Podcast Marketing


QUIZ – Quora & Influencer, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter & Podcast Marketing


Chatbots, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics & Heat Maps


QUIZ – Google Ads & Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager & Heat Maps


Day 2 – Digital Marketing Quiz


Day 3 – Social Media Essentials


Day 4 – Meta Ads & Customer Journey


Day 5 – Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads Objectives


Day 6 – Facebook & Instagram Ads Copywriting


Day 7 – Facebook Ads Library & Instagram Ads


Day 8 – Facebook Business Page


Day 9 – ChatGPT for Meta Advertising, Instagram & Facebook Marketing


Day 10 – Meta Business Manager


102 more sections






Unleash Your Digital Marketing Genius: A Journey Beyond the Ordinary. Elevate Your Digital Marketing Skills, Ignite Your Career, and Transform Your Business with Our Revolutionary Learning System.


Why Choose This Course?


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of jargon, metrics, and platforms? What if we told you there’s a way to not just survive but thrive in this digital jungle?


Welcome to the ultimate crash course in Digital Marketing—a course designed not just to educate but to empower. A course where learning isn’t just easy; it’s exhilarating!


What You’ll Master:


Website Creation: Build not just websites but customer magnets!


Video Marketing: Turn your brand story into a blockbuster!


ChatGPT & ChatGPT Plus: Harness AI to craft narratives that resonate and convert!


Social Media Mastery: Become the talk of Twitter, the idol of Instagram, the luminary of LinkedIn!


SEO & Local SEO: Rank not just high but sky-high!


Copywriting: Write not just words but spells that sell!


Podcasting: Turn your voice into a brand’s most powerful asset!


Email Marketing: Craft emails that people can’t wait to open!


Ads Mastery: From Facebook to Google to YouTube, become an ad wizard!


Course Highlights:


HQ Video Animated Explainers: Where complex concepts become child’s play!


Face2Face Explanations: Personalized guidance that feels like a friendly chat!


200+ Interactive Quizzes: Test your knowledge and challenge your limits!


24 Writing Assignments: Where practice meets perfection!


Pro 46 Content Creation Templates: Customizable magic wands for instant content creation!


111-Day Clear Curriculum: Your roadmap to digital marketing mastery!


Your Transformation Awaits:


Imagine a future where you’re not just a digital marketer but a digital maestro. A future where you don’t just follow trends; you set them. A future where your brand isn’t just visible; it’s unforgettable. Are you ready to step into that future?


Are You Ready to Turn Your Digital Marketing Dreams into Reality?


This isn’t just a course; it’s a launchpad for your dreams. It’s where you transform from a digital marketer into a digital marketing nomad, attracting high-value clients and landing your dream job. So, are you ready to embark on a journey that promises not just learning but transformation? A journey that will turn you from a marketer into a maestro, from a student into a star?


Enroll Today and Let’s Make Digital Marketing History Together


This landing page aims to be more than just informative; it aims to be transformative. It’s designed to speak not just to the mind but to the heart, compelling prospective students to take that all-important first step into a brighter, more empowered future.


Accelerate Your Learning Curve with Our 3-Part Fast Learn Course Structure


Join Over 900,000+ Satisfied Students and Experience the Fastest, Most Enjoyable Path from Novice to Expert


Your Learning Journey, Reimagined:


1. Animated Explainers & Interactive Quizzes: The Future of Learning is Here


Why read when you can watch, listen, and interact? Our course is infused with animated explainers that make complex concepts simple, and interactive quizzes that ensure you’re not just learning—you’re mastering the material. This is learning reimagined, designed for maximum retention and engagement.


2. Practical Screen Recordings & Step-By-Step Explanations: Your Personalized Roadmap to Success


Ever wished you could look over an expert’s shoulder as they navigate the intricate world of digital marketing? Now you can. Our course features practical screen recordings where I walk you through every step of the process. And that’s not all—you’ll also receive our proven success Blueprints for every key topic, along with easy-to-modify professional content templates, detailed to-do lists, and guides.


3. Careers & Freelancing Kickstart Guide: Turn Your Skills into Income and Impact


What’s the point of acquiring skills if you can’t monetize them? Our course doesn’t just make you marketable; it makes you indispensable. Whether you’re looking to land your first job in digital marketing or launch a freelance business, our Kickstart Guide is your golden ticket. Learn how to attract high-value clients and become a digital marketing nomad with our professional cheat sheets, templates, and guides.


Are You Ready to Transform Your Career and Your Life?


This course isn’t just about acquiring skills; it’s about acquiring the kind of skills that make you stand out in a crowded marketplace. It’s about becoming not just employable, but in-demand. It’s about turning you from a digital marketing student into a digital marketing sensation.


Enroll Today and Step into a Future Where Your Skills Don’t Just Speak—They Resonate.


This landing page is designed to not just inform but inspire. It’s crafted to resonate with every aspiring digital marketer’s deepest desires for mastery, autonomy, and impact. It’s not just a course; it’s a career transformation waiting to happen. Are you ready to be a part of it?


Learn Copywriting: Master the Art of Digital Persuasion


In an ocean of content, make your words a lighthouse guiding readers to your brand. Discover how to craft compelling narratives that not only inform but persuade, elevating your brand, boosting SEO, and converting passive readers into active consumers. Your words have power; we teach you how to wield it effectively.


Learn Website Creation: Your Digital Storefront Awaits


Your website is more than a URL; it’s your brand’s first impression. Learn how to create a website that’s not just visually appealing but also optimized for speed and mobile use. With platforms like WordPress and Wix, you can be your own webmaster—no coding required.


Learn Conversion Rate Optimization: Turn Clicks into Conversions


Why settle for mere traffic when you can have conversions? Master the science of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) to ensure that every visitor to your website becomes a potential customer. Whether you’re an e-commerce giant or a budding blogger, we’ll teach you how to maximize conversions and boost your bottom line.


Learn Video Marketing: The New Frontier of Content


Video isn’t the future; it’s the present. Learn how to create video content that resonates with your audience and keeps them coming back for more. From storytelling techniques to technical expertise, we’ve got you covered.


Learn YouTube Marketing: Become a Video Virtuoso


YouTube isn’t just a platform; it’s a global stage. With over 80% of all online content now in video format, mastering YouTube is non-negotiable. Learn how to optimize your videos, from crafting the perfect thumbnail to leveraging the power of color psychology for maximum impact.


Are You Ready to Become a Digital Dynamo?


This course isn’t merely a learning experience; it’s a transformational journey. It’s about morphing you from a digital novice into a digital nomad, from a marketer into a maestro. It’s about equipping you with skills that don’t just make you employable but indispensable.


Enroll Today and Embark on Your Odyssey in the Digital Realm


This isn’t just a course; it’s your gateway to a universe of limitless possibilities in the digital world. Are you ready to step through?


Learn Email Marketing: The Power of Direct Connection


Unlock the potential of your brand’s most intimate digital space: the inbox. Email marketing isn’t just about sending newsletters; it’s about building a dialogue with your audience. Learn how to craft emails that not only avoid the spam folder but also add value to your subscribers’ lives, turning them from interested observers into loyal customers.


Learn SEO: The Art of Digital Visibility


In the digital realm, visibility is currency. Nearly 60% of all online journeys begin with a search query. Master the art of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and learn how to make your brand not just visible but unmissable. From keyword optimization to high-quality backlinks, we guide you through the labyrinthine world of SEO, ensuring that when your audience searches, they find you at the top.


Learn Google Search Console: Your SEO Command Center


Think of Google Search Console as your SEO dashboard, providing you with real-time analytics and performance metrics. Learn how to leverage this powerful tool to monitor your website’s health, optimize your content, and keep tabs on your search rankings. It’s not just about data; it’s about actionable insights that can propel your brand to the forefront of Google Search.


Learn Local SEO: Be the Talk of the Town


In a world that’s increasingly global, never underestimate the power of local. With 46% of Google searches having local intent, mastering Local SEO is more crucial than ever. Learn how to make your brand the go-to choice for consumers in your area, from optimizing your Google My Business listing to leveraging local keywords.


Learn Google Maps Rankings: Put Your Brand on the Map


Imagine if every “near me” search led straight to your doorstep. With Google Maps Rankings, that’s not just a possibility; it’s a reality. Learn how to optimize your brand’s presence on Google Maps, ensuring that you’re not just on the map but at the top of the list.


Are You Ready to Become an Unstoppable Force in Digital Marketing?


This course is more than a series of lessons; it’s a toolkit, a roadmap, and a passport to digital marketing success. Whether you’re a novice looking to start a new career or a seasoned professional aiming to upskill, this course offers you a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to mastering the digital marketing landscape.


Enroll Now and Take the First Step on Your Journey to Digital Dominance


This is your moment. The digital world is vast, but with the skills you’ll acquire here, you’ll be more than ready to conquer it. Are you ready to rise to the challenge?


Learn Facebook Marketing: The Social Powerhouse


Facebook isn’t just a social media platform; it’s a dynamic canvas where you can paint the story of your brand. Learn how to craft compelling content that resonates with your target audience, from eye-catching visuals to interactive polls. Discover the art of engagement and how to transform your followers into brand ambassadors.


Learn Customer Journey on Social Media: The Roadmap to Conversion


Understanding the customer journey is like decoding the DNA of your brand’s success. Learn how to navigate the three crucial stages that lead to customer commitment. It’s not just about making a sale; it’s about building a relationship that turns one-time buyers into lifelong customers.


Create Facebook Business Page: Your Brand’s Social HQ


Your Facebook Business Page is more than just a profile; it’s the central hub of your brand’s online identity. Learn how to make it stand out with a captivating cover photo and a compelling narrative. Connect it with your Instagram profile to create a seamless social media experience for your audience.


Setup Facebook Business Manager Account: The Control Room


Business Manager is where the magic happens. It’s your one-stop-shop for everything from ad campaigns to audience insights. Learn how to navigate its intricate settings to set up custom and lookalike audiences, enabling smarter targeting and retargeting strategies.


Setup Facebook Pixel Correctly: The Invisible Powerhouse


The Facebook Pixel is your silent partner in conversion success. Learn how to set it up correctly to track customer behavior, from the first click to the final purchase. It’s not just about data; it’s about actionable insights that can supercharge your marketing strategy.


Learn Facebook Ads: The Art of Precision Targeting


Facebook Ads can be a goldmine or a money pit, depending on how you use them. Learn the secrets of crafting ads that not only capture attention but also convert. From content creation to audience targeting, discover how to make every dollar count.


Learn Dynamic Retargeting: The Future of Customer Engagement


Dynamic Ads are the crown jewel of Facebook marketing. Learn how to set them up to retarget customers based on their online behavior, turning missed opportunities into sales. It’s not just retargeting; it’s smart retargeting.


Are You Ready to Master the Facebook Frontier?


Facebook marketing is an ever-evolving landscape, and this course is your compass. Whether you’re a beginner looking to make your mark or a seasoned marketer aiming to up your game, we offer you a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to conquering the world’s largest social media platform.


Enroll Now and Unleash the Full Potential of Facebook Marketing


This is your moment. The Facebook universe is vast, but with the skills you’ll acquire here, you’ll be more than ready to conquer it. Are you ready to rise to the challenge?


Unlock the Secrets of Instagram Marketing: A Symphony of Visuals and Strategy


Step into the world of Instagram, where visuals dance and stories captivate. It’s not just a photo-sharing platform; it’s a canvas for your brand’s most vivid dreams. Learn how to paint that canvas with the colors of engagement, trust, and conversion. From sponsored posts that resonate with your target audience to organic content that speaks your brand’s truth, we guide you through the labyrinth of Instagram’s endless possibilities.


Master the Art of Instagram Ads: Your Palette of Opportunities


Harness the power of Facebook’s advertising platform to take your Instagram Ads to celestial heights. Whether it’s Photo Ads that tell a thousand words with a single image, Video Ads that bring your brand to life, Slideshow Ads that narrate a compelling story, Story Ads that capture the imagination, or Carousel Ads that offer a panoramic brand experience—each ad type is a brushstroke in your masterpiece of engagement and conversion.


Messenger Ads: The Whispering Gallery of Your Brand


Imagine a gallery where each painting whispers secrets to the viewer. That’s what Messenger Ads do. They bring a personalized touch to your advertising, speaking directly to each user. And the beauty? The creative genius you apply to Facebook and Instagram can be echoed in Messenger, creating a harmonious brand narrative across platforms.


Influencer Marketing: The Celebrity Gallery Opening


Picture a gallery opening where renowned artists and celebrities advocate for your brand. That’s the power of Influencer Marketing. From mega-celebrities to niche micro-influencers, each brings their unique audience into your brand’s story. It’s not just an endorsement; it’s a partnership in storytelling, a collaborative masterpiece.


Chatbot Marketing: Your Personalized Curator


Enter the realm of Chatbot Marketing, where each visitor to your digital gallery is greeted by a personalized curator—a chatbot that understands their preferences, answers their questions, and guides them through the exhibit, all at the speed of light. It’s not just about automation; it’s about enhancing user experience, about making each interaction a memorable chapter in your brand’s story.


Are you ready to become the da Vinci of Digital Marketing?


To create masterpieces that captivate and convert? Your palette is ready, and your canvas awaits. Enroll today and let your brand story become a work of art.


The Grand Tapestry of LinkedIn Marketing: Where Business Legends Are Woven


Imagine a grand hall where the titans of industry, the wizards of technology, and the sages of business wisdom gather. That’s LinkedIn for you—a tapestry of opportunities where 4 out of 5 business decisions are crafted. Here, you don’t just build a profile; you construct a monument to your professional prowess. Learn how to be the architect of your own destiny in the hallowed halls of LinkedIn.


The Enchanted Forest of Pinterest Marketing: Where Ideas Blossom into Reality


Step into the enchanted forest of Pinterest—a realm where ideas bloom like mystical flowers and dreams take root. With an audience that has the Midas touch of buying power, Pinterest is not just a platform; it’s a treasure trove of inspiration. Learn how to be the gardener of your brand’s most vibrant dreams, where every pin is a seed and every board is a garden of possibilities.


The Cosmic Dance of Twitter Marketing: Where Every Tweet is a Star


In the cosmic dance of Twitter, every tweet is a star, and your brand is the constellation that tells a story. Whether you aim to humanize your brand, expand your universe, or offer light-speed customer support, Twitter is the galaxy where your brand can shine the brightest. Learn how to be the astronomer of your brand’s destiny, charting the skies of opportunities and avoiding the black holes of mistakes.


The Oracle of Quora Marketing: Where Questions Meet Wisdom


Quora is the modern-day Oracle—a sanctuary where questions meet wisdom. It’s not just a platform; it’s a fellowship of knowledge, where your brand can be the sage that offers the elixir of answers. Learn how to be the Oracle of your industry, where your wisdom becomes the beacon that guides lost souls to solutions.


The Rebel Alliance of Reddit Marketing: Where Authenticity is the Force


Reddit is the Rebel Alliance of the internet—a community that values authenticity over promotion. It’s a tricky landscape, but if you navigate it with the Force of genuine value, you can build a brand that’s loved by the galaxy’s most discerning audience. Learn how to be the Jedi of your brand, wielding the lightsaber of authenticity and the shield of value.


Are you ready to be the legend of your industry?


To weave your brand’s story into the grand tapestry of business success? Your quest begins here. Enroll today and let your brand become a legend.


The Alchemist’s Lab of Google Ads: Where Clicks Turn into Gold


In the mystical realm of Google Ads, every click is an alchemical process—transforming mere interest into golden opportunities. But beware, for the path is fraught with costly missteps. Here, we offer you the Philosopher’s Stone of PPC mastery. Learn to transmute your budget into a treasure trove of leads, traffic, and conversions. Your journey to becoming the Alchemist of Google Ads begins now.


The Grand Bazaar of Google Shopping: Where Products Become Desires


Step into the Grand Bazaar of Google Merchant Centre—a marketplace where your products are not just items but the stuff of dreams. With the right incantations, your offerings will appear in the scrolls of Google Shopping, beckoning to wandering souls. Learn the art of digital commerce alchemy, where every product image and price tag is a spell that turns browsers into buyers.


The Oracle’s Chamber of Google Analytics: Where Data Reveals Destiny


Enter the Oracle’s Chamber of Google Analytics—a sanctum where numbers and graphs morph into insights and strategies. Here, you don’t just see data; you see the future of your brand. Learn to interpret the sacred scrolls of traffic stats, conversion rates, and user behavior. Become the Oracle of your brand’s destiny, guided by the wisdom of analytics.


The Cartographer’s Desk of Heat Maps: Mapping the Desires of Souls


At the Cartographer’s Desk of Heat Maps, you don’t just see clicks; you see the desires and hesitations of every visitor. Tools like Crazy Egg and Hot Jar are your compass and sextant, guiding you through the uncharted waters of user behavior. Learn to read these mystical maps, and you’ll discover the hidden treasures and lurking dangers of your digital landscape.


The Bard’s Tavern of Brand Storytelling: Where Your Brand Becomes Legend


In the Bard’s Tavern of Brand Storytelling, your brand isn’t just a name; it’s a legend sung by minstrels and whispered by townsfolk. Here, storytelling isn’t a tactic; it’s an ancient art form that turns companies into heroes and customers into loyal companions. Learn to weave your brand’s epic saga, where every campaign is a chapter and every customer is a character.


Are you ready to become the legend of your industry?


To turn your brand into a tale that’s told for generations? Your epic journey begins here. Enroll today, and let your brand ascend from mere name to enduring legend.


The Quest for Your First Digital Marketing Grail: A Hero’s Journey to Professional Triumph


Embark on the most transformative odyssey of your life—securing your first digital marketing job. This isn’t just a course; it’s a hero’s journey where you’ll slay the dragons of doubt, navigate the labyrinth of competition, and seize the golden chalice of your dream job. Whether you aspire to be an SEO sorcerer, a Facebook Ads alchemist, or a wordsmithing bard, this quest is your roadmap to rapid success. Prepare to unlock the arcane arts of digital marketing and claim your rightful place among the industry’s elite.


The Odyssey of the Digital Nomad: A Symphony of Freedom and Adventure


Break the shackles of the mundane and set sail on the boundless sea of digital nomadism. This isn’t just a lifestyle; it’s a symphony—each day a new note, each experience a new melody, harmonizing into the magnum opus of your life. Imagine waking up to the aroma of exotic spices in a bustling Asian market or the serene beauty of a European countryside. This course is your compass, guiding you through the myriad paths of nomadic life, each one leading to a treasure trove of experiences that enrich your soul.


The Alchemist’s Guide to Finding High-Value Clients: Turning Lead into Gold


In the mystical realm of client acquisition, you are the alchemist, transmuting the lead of potential clients into the gold of high-value partnerships. This course is your ancient tome, filled with alchemical formulas that teach you to value yourself like the rare gem you are. Learn to enchant clients so irresistibly that they can’t help but choose you, even in a sea of competitors. With each high-value client you acquire, you add a unique jewel to your portfolio—a testament to your unparalleled skills.


Are you ready to embark on these quests of transformation?


To turn the pages of these magical tomes and unlock secrets that elevate you to the pantheon of digital marketing legends? Your chariot awaits. Enroll today and let the odyssey begin.


The Scroll of Infinite Possibilities: Your Ultimate Content Marketing Templates


Step into the hallowed halls of content marketing mastery with our meticulously crafted templates. Each template is a magical scroll, imbued with the power to transform your marketing campaigns into epic sagas that captivate the hearts and minds of your audience. Here’s a glimpse into the treasure trove that awaits you:


Facebook Ad Template 1 & 2: Unveil the secrets of crafting Facebook Ads that are as compelling as ancient prophecies, foretelling the untold benefits your product offers.


Landing Page Template: This is your digital El Dorado, a template designed to convert visitors into loyal subjects of your brand kingdom.


Mini Story Email & Email Teaser: Emails that are not just messages but short stories, each one a chapter in the grand epic of your brand.


Email Welcome Template: The herald’s announcement, welcoming your new subscribers into the mystical realm of your brand.


Sales Letter Template: A persuasive scroll that could sell sand in the desert or ice to a snowman.


The Detailed Listicle & Product Comparison (Blogging): Articles that serve as your brand’s lore, rich in detail and comparison, guiding your audience like a celestial map of old.


The How-to Comprehensive Guide (Blogging): Your ultimate grimoire, teaching your audience arcane skills and knowledge, making them disciples of your brand.


Guest Blog Outreach & LinkedIn Ad Template: Your diplomatic envoy to other realms (websites), offering mutual benefit and alliance.


Outreach Template for LinkedIn: A template that speaks the language of professionals, as polished as a knight’s armor.


Twitter Ad & Post Template: Short, sharp, and as impactful as a wizard’s spell.


YouTube Video Description Template: The backstory to your video content, as intriguing as any hero’s origin tale.


Instagram Post & Ad Template: Visual spells that capture attention and hearts alike.


Press Release Template: Your royal proclamation, announcing your brand’s milestones and innovations.


Influencer Outreach Template: A template to forge alliances with the powerful sorcerers and sorceresses of social media.


Backlink Outreach Templates 1 & 2: Your treasure maps to acquiring the golden links that boost your site’s authority.


Template to Ask for Social Shares from Influencers: A polite request wrapped in compelling storytelling, impossible for any influencer to resist.


Are you prepared to wield these powerful scrolls?


To write your own destiny and etch your brand’s name into the annals of marketing history? Your arsenal awaits. Choose your scrolls and let your epic unfold.


The Cosmic Odyssey of Digital Marketing Mastery: Your Journey Begins Here


You stand on the precipice of a transformative journey, one that will catapult you into the celestial realms of digital marketing mastery. With Ing. Tomas Moravek & Team as your cosmic guides, you’re not just enrolling in a course; you’re embarking on an odyssey that will reshape your destiny.


What Awaits You in this Galactic Voyage:


Course Materials and Tuition: Valued at a cosmic $10,800, yet available to you for a mere fraction.


46 Pro Content Marketing Templates: Ready to download, like stardust waiting to form new worlds.


Handy PDF & MP3 Resources: A treasure trove of extra resources, as expansive as the universe itself.


200+ Interactive Quizzes & 24 Writing Assignments: Your training grounds for becoming a digital marketing Jedi.


Final Interactive Quiz with 250 Questions: The ultimate test of your newfound knowledge, akin to crossing a cosmic event horizon.


Lifetime Access & Updates: Your course evolves, just like the universe.


Udemy Certificate of Completion: Your cosmic badge of honor, ready for download.


30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: A safety net as reliable as the laws of physics.


Fast & Friendly Support: We’re here for you, anytime you need to consult the digital marketing oracle.


Exclusive PDF Guides: From becoming a digital nomad to attracting high-value clients, these are your cosmic scrolls of wisdom.


We Look Forward to Welcoming You On Board As Our Newest Cosmic Voyager


Yours in the Quest for Digital Marketing Enlightenment,


Ing. Tomas Moravek & Team

Internet Efficiency Awarded Digital Marketing Expert


So, are you ready to board the spaceship of opportunity and soar into the digital marketing cosmos?


Your seat is reserved, and the countdown has begun. Ignition in 3, 2, 1. Liftoff to your extraordinary future.


Who this course is for:


B2B and B2C Professionals: Navigate the intricate labyrinths of business-to-business and business-to-consumer landscapes.


Entrepreneurs and Start-ups: For the brave souls who’ve set sail on the tumultuous seas of business creation, this course is your North Star.


Marketers and Influencers: Amplify your voice, magnify your impact. Become the lighthouse in the foggy world of digital noise.


Facebook Admins and Editors: Master the art of social alchemy, turning digital interactions into golden opportunities.


Social Media and Facebook Marketers: Learn the secret spells to enchant your audience and bind them to your brand.


Content Creators and Creatives: Unleash your inner bard. Tell tales that not only entertain but also enlighten and inspire.


Copywriters and Graphic Designers: Hone your craft until it’s as sharp as Excalibur, cutting through the clutter and chaos.


Advertisers: Become the architects of desire, building bridges between needs and fulfillment.


Real Estate Agents: Learn to sell not just homes but dreams, not just locations but destinations.


Job Seekers: Equip yourself with the digital armor and weaponry to conquer the job market’s competitive arena.


Local Businesses: Transform your humble shop into a mecca that draws customers like pilgrims on a sacred journey.


Website Owners and Admins: Turn your digital real estate into a bustling metropolis of clicks, conversions, and customer loyalty.


SEO Help Seekers and Content Creators: Discover the arcane arts of search engine wizardry.


Website Creators and Bloggers: Learn to build digital cathedrals where visitors come to pray at the altar of your content.


So, if you see your reflection in this shimmering pool of archetypes, then this course is your grail, filled with the elixir of digital marketing wisdom. Come, quench your thirst for knowledge. We await you.


 Top companies offer this course to their employeesThis course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide. Learn more

What you’ll learn

Be able to build ANY website you want.

 Build fully-fledged websites and web apps for your startup or business.

Master backend development with Django and Python

Learn the latest frameworks and technologies, including Javascript ES6+, Bootstrap 5, Django, Postgres and more.

Craft several projects to show off to your future employer as a junior developer.

Work as a freelance web developer.

 Master frontend development with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Master backend development with Python, Django, Wagtail and Postgres

Learn professional developer best practices.

Learn modern workflow using Git and Github

Learn how to use your command line tools like a boss

You will learn about API’s and RESTful API’s

 Learn how to make beautiful websites quickly with Bootstrap 5

 Learn how to customize your text editor like a pro

How websites and coding works behind the scenes


This course includes:

55 hours on-demand video

23 articles

117 downloadable resources

Access on mobile and TV

Full lifetime access

Closed captions

Audio description in existing audio

Certificate of completion

Course content

29 sections • 615 lectures • 55h 10m total length

Expand all sections

Getting started in this bootcamp

How this bootcamp is setup

Commonly asked questions

The Bootcamp members-only exclusive group

Web Development Fundamentals

 Understanding how websites work, a glimpse into the request/response lifecycle

VS Code 101: A beautiful code editor

HTML 101: A beginners guide to coding

 HTML 201: Intermediate level HTML

CSS 101: A beginners guide to beautiful websites

CSS 201: Intermediate level CSS

CSS 301: Responsive web design

 JavaScript 101: A beginners guide to JavaScript programming

19 more sections


No programming experience needed — I’ll teach you everything you need to know

A Mac or PC computer with access to the internet

No paid software required – all websites will be created with VS Code (which is free)

I’ll walk you through, step-by-step how to get all the software installed and set up


Welcome to the Ultimate 2024 Web Development Bootcamp, the only course you need to learn to code and become a full-stack web developer and the only course that will prepare you for a career in web development.

Join over 30,000 fellow students already taking this course! 

At 55+ hours, this web development course is extremely comprehensive and one of the most detailed courses available on Udemy! Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to coding ninja. Here’s how:

 The course is is taught by a leading web development expert who’s worked with organizations such as NASA, Mozilla, the NHS, Arctic Research Foundation and many more.

The course has been updated to be 2024 ready and you will be learning the latest tools, techniques and technologies used at large companies such as Instagram, Google, Apple, and YouTube.

The course doesn’t leave any stone unturned. Every lesson is hyper focused on one single subject, with most lessons having some form of “homework”. And every module has a final project which will give you real world coding experience.

The course curriculum was developed over nine years after teaching hundreds of thousands of students and over 50 coding courses with comprehensive student testing and feedback.


The course is made up of over 28 smaller courses, each module being its own self-contained course. Pick and choose what you want to learn, or start from the beginning! 


We’ve taught over 450,000 students how to code, and have personally mentored thousands of students in person and online. Through years of feedback, we’ve been able to hone the perfect teaching strategies.


We’ve taught every age imaginable ranging from 7 years old to 82 years old (seriously, we’ve taught great-grandma’s how to code!) with students moving on to become professional developers and students who have started their own startups.


You’ll save over $15,000 by enrolling in this course rather than investing in an in-person bootcamp, and you’ll still get access to the same teacher materials from the same instructor.


The course is just like an in-person bootcamp and feels like you’re being personally mentored. That’s because we designed it to feel that way.


The course is updated with new content, with new projects and modules constantly.


We’ll take you through every subject, every module and every lesson in a step-by-step manner to teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a professional web developer.


You will learn the most in-demand languages and tools like React and Python!


The course includes over 55 hours of Ultra HD video tutorials and will build your knowledge as a web developer while working on small website components, and then finishing it off by using all the small components in a fully functional and gorgeous website.


In this extremely comprehensive course, we cover a massive an insane number of technologies and tools, including:


Setting up a beautiful code editor

Front-End Web Development



Bootstrap 5

Javascript ES6 and newer

DOM Manipulation



Bash Command Line

Git, GitHub and Version Control

Backend Web Development



Databases (sqlite and postgres)


Wagtail CMS




And how to get a job as a professional web developer.

By the end of this course, you will be confident and fluently programming, and be ready to apply for web development jobs or take on freelancing contracts.

Sign up today, and look forward to:

Video Lectures

Fully Fledged Projects


Programming Resources and Cheatsheets

$15,000+ web development bootcamp course materials and curriculum

11 free coding e-books and dozens of additional learning resources


Don’t just take my word for it, check out what existing students have to say about the course and me as a teacher:


“Kane and Kalob are very good teachers in explaining things in details, its been one and half months since i’m learning this course and i have learned a lot although I’m a very slow learner still doing CSS animation. this course is good for anyone who want to learn web building from scratch. lots of lessons details videos and course is very well structured. Kane is very interactive always responds your questions. i highly recommend this course.” – Ahmad Mian


“He explains the basic concepts very well. The really good thing he discusses that a lot of others do not are using Git, understanding APIs, and Python. Overall, he does an exceptional job explaining what you need to know and where to go after learning the basics.” – Christopher S Nichols


“Really nice course so far. Lessons are concise and introduce achievable concepts through examples that are easy to follow along with. Only scratching the surface of the course so far, but feel like I’m in good hands.” – Nicolas Peters


“Very complete! So take it, it worth the money, the time, everything! :) Thank you Kane! -Cindy Lorena Sanchez Sua


“I’ve taken other courses but this it’s the first time I fell like I’m actually learning.” – Martin Grus


“At first I doubted in purchasing this course because I never thought it would be this simple to understand. I want to give a personal thanks to the course teacher for making it easier the way he is executing things. Cant wait to learn more!!” – Rutilo Fernandez


“Ive tried a lot of courses on the web and this is one of the first that I fell actually help me understand the different concepts without having to go back and to. Very well designed and presented.” – Leander Gouws


“Each and every topic is touched and explained thoroughly! I’m a beginner and I’m just loving it. Among the tons of web development courses in Udemy I’m so glad that I’ve chosen this course at the first shot, bulls-eye! just the kind of Teacher I was looking for. I am so happy and enjoying all the lectures.” – Riyad Hossain


“This course is extremely detailed. It is great for beginners.” – Khai Tran


REMEMBER… I’m so confident that you’ll love this course that we’re offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it’s a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.

So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the ONE AND ONLY development course you will ever need.


Who this course is for:

If you want to learn to code by building fun and useful projects, then take this course.


If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps, then take this course.


If you are a seasoned programmer, then take this course to to get up to speed quickly with the latest frameworks like Django + Python.


If you want to take ONE COURSE and learn everything you need to know about web development, take this course.


If you want hands on experience with 25+ projects and over 400 tasks, take this course.



Table Of Content:-

Next, as we turn over the “virtual pages” comes the table of content. This gives

an overview of what you are going to learn from this course. There are chapter names with their

subtopics under them. The chapter names are as follows:-


1.What is DevOps?

2.Looking at DevOps capabilities.

3.Adopting DevOps.

4.Looking at how cloud accelerates DevOps.

5.Using DevOps to solve new challenges.

6.Making DevOps work: IBM’s Story.

7.Ten DevOps myths.


Next, comes in the introduction part.

In the first line, the meaning of DevOps with its expanded form of Development and Operations is explained. Everyone talks about it, but not everyone is familiar with it. In a nutshell, DevOps is an approach based on lean and agile principles in which business owners and the development, operations, and quality assurance departments collaborate to deliver software in a continuous manner. The further lines tell about the IBM’s broad and holistic view towards DevOps.

The course tells what a true DevOps approach includes:

Lines of business, practitioners, executives, partners, suppliers, and so on.

About the course:-

The about the course section gives an overview of the course

The coursetakes a business-centric approach to DevOps. Today’s rapidly advancing world makes DevOps essential to all enterprises that should be agile and lean enough to respond rapidly to the changes such as customer demands, market conditions, competitive pressures, or regulatory requirements.

It is assumed that, if you are reading this course, you’ve heard about DevOps but want to understand what it means and how your company can gain business benefits from it. This course is targeted for executives, decision-makers, and practitioners who are new to the DevOps, seeking info about the approach, who want to go through the hype surrounding the concept to reach t

Who this course is for: 

Who want to learn Docker Technologies

The one should have IT experience. No other prerequisite.


Lovers of Theatre Arts have a huge variety of careers to consider. Creative types might enjoy roles such as directing, playwriting or theatre design, while practical people are needed for jobs such as lighting technician or stage crew member.


–   Actor

–   Director

–   Producer

–   Sound Engineer

–   Lights Engineer

–   Make-up Artist

–   Stand-up Comedian

–   Theatre Manager

–   Musical Artist

–   Film Maker

–   Video Editor

–   Creative/ Script Writer

–   Newspaper Journalist

–   Publicity and Advertising Agent

–   Photographer

–   Graphic Designer

–   Theartre/ Film Consultant

In performing arts you have different specialization like dance, drama, music, etc. According to your course you have core subjects.

Majoring in performing arts involves study that integrates the overlapping fields of drama, music and dance practices. Even when trainees specialize in one of the areas, they will take courses in the other performance arts disciplines as well as taking some general education courses. The performing arts diploma program may include courses in the following subject areas:

  • Music performance
  • Theatre history
  • Dance and culture
  • Musical theatre
  • Dance technique
  • Dramatic literature

Program Description

–         24 weeks of classroom studies, Workshops and evaluations

–         2 months internship

–         1 month of project and defense


  • Voice and Speech Development and Practice
  • Naturalistic Acting
  • Devising Performance
  • Lighting Operations for Live Performance
  • Acting for Microphone
  • Site-specific Performance
  • Acting for Camera
  • Development of Acting Skills
  • Creative Arts Workshop Leadership
  • Theatre Directing
  • Alternative Approaches to Acting
  • Innovative Theatre Performance Work


Creating and directing a project is a difficult undertaking but one that offers great expressive satisfactions. The course is based on the understanding of the film structure, passing from the ideation of the script and from the script to the visual realization of the scenes. The study of the shots, the look of the project, the direction of the actors, and the packaging of the product, are the points on which the biennium is set. The course structure starts with the study of film units up to the narration by genres in the second year. During the two-year period, the productive, organizational, budget and technical aspects are tackled and the writing for the main cinematographic languages is studied in depth, with particular attention to short films and low budget products. The merger of the authorial aspects of writing and technical direction makes the course much more specific and offers complete training that characterizes our graduate students.

Job opportunities

The course trains students in the following roles: director, first and second assistant director, script supervisor, casting director, screenwriter, script reader, and script analyzer and editor.

  • Filming exercises digital and 16mm with given creative limits
  • Documentary portrait on digital
  • A final short film on 3-5mm 


Program Description

This introductory Sound engineering course is composed of the first two levels of the diploma in sound engineering.

The first level is an introduction to professional sound technologies and systems. This section takes a closer look at the technologies and systems of the industry; their basic functioning and connections allowing for better understanding of how sound works.

This is the basis for developing the necessary skill set and qualities in becoming a professional sound technician.

The second level goes on to take an in-depth look at the equipment and tools a professional must dominate to succeed be it in a recording studio, live performancemusical production or post-production.

This course has a strong practical focus, making up for 65% of the 120 lecture hours that the course is made up of. On completion, students have the necessary foundation to continue specializing themselves in the field of their interest


  • Audio chain
  • The physics of sound
  • TransducersMicrophones: how they work and their classifications.
  • Music software – FRUITY LOOPS STUDIO
  • Mixing consolesSegments and components of a mixing console (auxiliaries, subgroups, inputs, outputs …etc.).
  • Sound cards and home-studio designs
  • Recording systems
  • Digital recording
  • The physics of sound
  • Musical Acoustics
  • Acoustics
  • Audition and voice
  • Synchrony and automation
  • Synthesis and sampling
  • The sound industry
  • The recording studio
  • Live performances
  • Post-production and film
  • Recording industry
  • Samples and commercial brands.


Addressed to:

Photographers and students interested in the world of performing and musical arts, who want to learn how to carry out professional work in these areas.
Goals: Learning the photography of performing arts and musical events. Creation of a language of its own.

  • Considerations on the necessary equipment.
  • Common problems (lighting, overcrowding, access, contracts).
  • Work spaces (small rooms, stadiums, large festivals).
  • Interaction with the environment.
  • Preparation and management of the agenda.
  • Preparation and management of a file.
  • Create a personal workflow
  • The decisive moment: shoot / edit.
  • How we value a photo / report. Professional outings.
    Associates:The students carry out practices throughout the course:


  • Production processes of live shows and events
  • Live Entertainment Stage Management
  • Configuration and structure of the stage
  • Relations with the work environment
  • * Understanding Drama
  • * Introduction to Technical Theatre
  • * Introduction to Arts Management
  • * Production Design
  • * Stage Management
  • * Introduction to Lighting
  • * Stagecraft
  • * Interactive Media and Content Development
  • * Production Management
  • * Theatre Production Practice
  • * Venue and Front of House Management
  • * Drafting for Productions
  • * Electrical Fundamentals for Theatre
  • * Marketing
  • * Creative Concepts
  • * Art of Story
  • * Introduction to User Experience
  • * Drawing
  • * Arts History
  • * Creative Enterprise
  • Tools of the trade and product knowledge
  • Cleansing Procedures
  • Hygiene and safety
  • Skin analysis, Face shapes and skin tones.
  • Warming and cooling colours (the colour wheel)
  • Colour-Correcting and concealing
  • Correct application and choice of foundation
  • Highlighting, Shading and blushers Technics
  • Achieving perfect lips
  • Application and blending of Eye makeup (Colour Wash, Block Eye, Smokey Eye and Socket Line)
  • Application of Eyeliners (Liquid, Cake, Gel, Crayon and Kohl)
  • Eyebrow Shaping
  • The application of false eyelashes both individual and strip
  • Building your make-up kit
  • Consolation techniques Trial
  • Individual lashes
  • Primers and Setting sprays
  • Total look with a veil
  • Business and self-marketing


  • Cinematography Course Introduction
  • Cinema equipment
  • The Camera Atlas: Truly Understanding Your Camera
  • Exposure in Cinematography
  • Shot Composition for Better Cinematography
  • Movement: How to Move With Purpose
  • Lighting 101
  • Location Scouting
  • Production stages

Instruction Methodology:

–         Tutorials

–         Workshops

–         Professional Immersion (Internship)


–         Assignments

–         Presentations

–         Tests

–         End of Semester exams

–         Internship Report

Trainees will have to complete the recommended assignments, test and exams.

The assignments are designed to help through learning to make sure that they completely understand all the topics covered and that they can apply this to their working environment.

Trainees will also be expected to come up with a business project which they will defend at the end of their training.



Business Administration is a diploma program which trains students to be employable in almost any type of business because they learn a wide range of skills from customer care, office and business procedures, word processing, and communication.

Enhancements to the program include an introduction to Human ResourcesProject Management, and even Marketing.

After completing this program, students have acquired the skills for problem solving and leadership, which enable them to be successful and efficient in their professional careers. Hands on training in computer applications allows students to nurture the necessary confidence in various software which helps them contribute to any organization.


It is an all round development course which is designed in such a manner that you are well equipped with the skills to be the front face of the organization. The program starts by training you on the basic skills required in an Office Administrator Proficiency in computers and English. Adequate training and practice is provided on keyboarding skills and computer fundamentals along with the knowledge of Key Office Applications. The program also covers the basic concepts of business mathematics which may be required in office or industry environment. Emphasis is also laid on training the students in Business Communication and Administrative Procedures so that they can handle the office communication effectively while adhering to the administrative procedures demanded in a Canadian work culture. Business Value and Ethics along with Professional Skills training ensures all round development of the student and steers them towards becoming a successful Office Administrator.

After completing your Diploma in Business Administration you will be able to carry out activities like -Maintaining the records in an organization, carrying out office duties like answering calls, sending emails, photocopying or faxing information, receiving and creating documents for order processing, maintaining record of ingoing and outgoing mails, performing basic banking tasks for the office, maintaining office supplies, arranging for regular maintenance of office materials, creating reports for management, coordinating among various departments in the organization, etc.


Student Success Strategy – Helps develop techniques & skills to achieve success in personal and professional life.

Computer Fundamentals and Internet – Trains on basic computer skills, creating and managing documents and using internet.

Keyboarding Skills – Helps learn how to touch type for improved speed and accuracy on the keyboard.

English I – Develops college-level grammar, vocabulary, sentence variety, paragraph structure, reading, and writing skills, which are necessary for success in all other courses.

Business Mathematics – Provides foundation in arithmetic and mathematics related to business and industry practices.

Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint – Introduces word processing, spread sheets, power point presentations.

Microsoft Excel – Develops skills in customizing the Excel Interface.

Business Communication – Introduces the principles of effective written and oral communication.

Financial Accounting I – Provides fundamental concepts of accounting, analyzing & recording financial transactions, preparing income statements and fund flow analysis.

Microsoft Access – Assists in designing database, controlling data entry and application enhancement through database utilities.

Administrative Procedures – Educates and trains about the dynamic work environment in Canadian businesses and offices.

Microsoft Outlook – Explores the basic and advanced features of Outlook.

Microsoft Word – Creates proficiency in customizing the Microsoft Word environment

Business Values and Ethics – Introduces the basic categories and framework of business ethics.

Professional Skills – Trains on interpersonal skills required for successful induction and working in professional world.


Marketing and Branding Workshop – Students enjoy a workshop to introduce the basics of branding and marketing for small and large businesses.

Human Resources Workshop – Training to learn about the Employment Standards Act, Labour Board, employee rights, and other basics of the world of HR.

Project Management – Introduces project management skills, PMBOK, the triple constraint, and qualities of a strong project and successful project leader.


Administration comprises of a huge industry which offers a variety of job openings. After pursuing a Diploma in Business Administration you are industry ready for taking up positions as Office assistantsInformation clerksAdministrative assistants etc. The course trains you for various positions in the administrative hierarchy of the organization and provides an opportunity for growth with experience.

Graduates with Business Administration become valuable members of public as well as private organizations in all the areas of business like banking, insurance, education, health, administration, business services etc.


After pursuing a Diploma in Business Administration you are eligible for positions falling under the following NOC Codes

NOC -1422 – Data Entry Clerks – They create records and spreadsheets by entering data related to statistics, finances and other information using computers and other data entry tools.

Common Job Titles which you can apply for include – Data control clerk, Data entry operator, Data input clerk, Data processor, Payment entry clerk.

NOC- 1441 – Administrative Clerks – They are usually responsible for compiling and recording of various documents after verifying their accuracy and completeness. Documents may be in the form of applications, requisitions and permits etc as per certain procedures or guidelines.

Common Job Titles which you can apply for include – Administrative clerk, Application clerk, Documentation clerk, License clerk, Office administration clerk, Customs or passport clerk, Registration clerk etc

NOC- 1221– Administrative Officers – They are responsible for implementation of administrative procedures and also oversee the office management in regarding to office space, office supplies and other services. They are responsible for ensuring that the basic facilities are adequately arranged for the smooth functioning of the office.

Common Job Titles which you can apply for include – Office administrator, Administrative services co-ordinator, office manager, co-ordinator, record manager, planning officer, admissions office etc.

NOC- 1222– Executive Assistants – They are responsible for co-ordinating the administrative procedures in an office and depending on their experience and duration with an organization, they may also be involved in research and analysis for the top management. These positions are usually available in large government organizations, corporate offices etc.

Common Job Titles which you can apply for include– Committee Clerk, Corporate Secretary and Executive Assistant etc.

NOC- 1411– General Office Clerks – They prepare reports, statements and correspondence material along with performing the basic tasks of office management, responding to telephonic queries and performing other clerical duties.

Common Job Titles which you can apply for include– General Office Clerk, Office Assistant, Office Clerk etc

NOC- 1453– Customer Service, Information and Related Clerks- They are responsible for answering queries and providing information to customers regarding the goods and services being provided by the establishment. They also carry out the normal business activities of processing sale and purchase requests, receiving payments and maintaining records.

Common Job Titles which you can apply for include– Accounts information Clerk, Bus information Clerk, Call Centre Agent, Customer Service Clerk, Information clerk, Public Relations Clerk etc


Data Entry Clerks perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Key in data related to invoices and other records to create computerized records.
  • Verify and maintain accurate and complete data.
  • Maintain library of electronic media files so as to identify and organize data.
  • Transfer data among various departments of the organization.

Administrative clerks perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Record and compile information, received through applications, licenses, contracts and registrations etc as per established procedures, manually as well as through computers.
  • Process papers after adequate approvals for preparing relevant documents.
  • Maintain office procedures as per the company policies and programs.
  • Perform basic accounting tasks for record management.
  • Maintain inventory of office supplies to ensure smooth functioning.
  • Co-ordinate among various departments and levels of management.

Administrative officers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Ensure proper functioning of the organization by co-ordinating the office administration procedures.
  • Carry out periodic review to upgrade or introduce new procedures.
  • Delegate work to supporting staff and ensure adherence to deadlines and established procedures.
  • Access information for record maintenance and process requests for information by clients/customers.
  • Establish priorities at work and ensure their successful completion within designated time frame.
  • Co-ordinate office maintenance services like accommodations, guest services, office supplies, parking and security arrangements etc.

Executive Assistants perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Ensure proper functioning of the organization by co-ordinating the office administration procedures.
  • Prepare reports and summary briefs for the executives or board members.
  • Make agendas and co-ordinate the board meetings.
  • Record minutes of the meeting and create reports based on it.
  • Create and compile data and other necessary documents, reports, policies etc which may be required during meetings.
  • Form a link for inter-departmental transfer of information on behalf of the board of directors.

General Office Clerks perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Handling the telephonic, electronic and in person enquiries in the organization.
  • Redirecting the enquiries to the appropriate person and entering data related to them.
  • Providing basic information to the general public and/or clients.
  • Performing basic office duties like photocopying, faxing and emailing correspondence/documents.
  • Create data records regarding correspondence, reports, financial statements, creating invoices etc.
  • Perform basic bookkeeping and accounting tasks, handling bank deposits.
  • Receive orders and process applications, forms etc for further action.
  • Maintain office supplies and equipment; ensure timely repair and adequate availability of office materials.

Customer Service, Information and Related Clerks perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Handling telephonic, electronic and in person enquiries from customers.
  • Providing relevant information or services to the customers.
  • Handling customer complaints and arranging for refunds, exchanges etc.
  • Maintain Accounts Payable and Receivable.
  • Respond to emergency calls and enquiries.


Job openings in the field of Business Administration usually seek a person who has completed college or other Business Administration courses. Since computerized record maintenance is the need of the hour in any organization, knowledge of basic computers with some specialization in Key Office Applications is a desired asset. Good communications skills are desired to be an effective Office Administrator.

Entry level jobs can be pursued with little or no experience while higher administrative positions can be sought after few years of experience.


Business Administration course develops skills which are desired by most organizations, thereby creating a vast pool of employers. Job seekers will find the maximum positions available under the NOC Codes mentioned above and opportunities range from private to public positions. Opportunities for growth with experience are numerous and widely available.


Accounting Administration is the gateway to a career in the field of accounting which prepares you for jobs such as a Book keeper, Accounts Receivable Clerk, Accounts Payable Clerk, Administrative Assistant and various other related jobs. It gives you the opportunity to work in areas related to FinanceAccounting and Banking which opens the doors to a wide range of employment opportunities. It is a field which provides starting jobs as well as higher positions for people with experience.


It is a comprehensive course which starts by training you on the core competencies like English and Advanced Computer skills that equips you with the skills required to function effectively in any business environment. The entire course is designed in such a manner that you attain specific career oriented competencies in the area of Financial Accounting, Business Mathematics, Business Communication, Business Laws & Ethics and Administrative procedures etc which enable you to handle any office environment with perfect ease. The hands-on training in small groups allows you to emerge stronger in theoretical as well as practical aspects of the course.

After completing your Diploma in Accounting Administration you will be able to carry out activities like – Preparing journal entries; Managing accounts receivable and payable; Preparing the financial statements for the organization; Preparing trial balances and bank reconciliations; Carry out banking activities; Conducting credit and collections after invoicing clients; Analyze Costing and budgeting for the organization; Storing, updating and retrieving financial data; Performing various clerical duties, like maintaining the filing and recording systems; Managing inventory control; Handling customer inquiries; Performing general office duties; Maintaining general ledgers and financial statements; Preparing statistical, financial and accounting reports.


Diploma in Accounting Administration – The Diploma in Accounting Administration at CIMT College prepares students for positions in Accounting and Administration. During their course of study, the students gain theoretical as well as practical training in various aspects of the field of accounting.

Student Success Strategy – Trains on techniques & skills to achieve success in personal and professional life.

English I – Develops college-level grammar, vocabulary, sentence variety, paragraph structure, reading, and writing skills, which are necessary for success in all other courses.

Business Communication – Introduces the principles of effective written and oral communication.

Computer Fundamentals and Internet – Trains on basic computer skills, creating and managing documents and using internet.

Keyboarding Skills – Helps learn how to touch type for improved speed and accuracy on the keyboard.

Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint – Introduces word processing, spread sheets, power point presentations.

Microsoft Excel – Develops skills in customizing the Excel Interface.

Microsoft Access – Assists in designing database, controlling data entry and application enhancement through database utilities.

Microsoft Outlook – Explores the basic and advanced features of Outlook.

Microsoft PowerPoint – Introduces slides, transitions, animation, and many features to create a dramatic presentation.

Microsoft Word – Creates proficiency in customizing the Microsoft Word environment

Financial Accounting I – Provides fundamental concepts of accounting, analyzing & recording financial transactions, preparing income statements and fund flow analysis.

Financial Accounting II – Introduces various categories of capital assets, their amortization and accounting for intangible assets.

Business Values and Ethics – Introduces the basic categories and framework of business ethics.

Administrative Procedures – Educates and trains about the dynamic work environment in Canadian businesses and offices.

Business Mathematics – Provides the foundation in Mathematics and related concepts used in businesses and industries.

Corporate and Business Law I – Introduction to the Canadian Legal System, courts, tribunals, and procedures, including torts, contract law, sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations. Explore employment law, termination and dismissal, collective bargaining, and consumer protection and safety. Students also learn about environmental law, real estate laws and land transactions, intellectual property, patents, trademarks, bankruptcy and insolvency in Canada, and associated legislation.

Human Resource Management – Elaborates need for human resources and how to maintain an efficient & effective workforce.

Quick Books, Simply Accounting – Introduces to the implementation of computerized accounting software package, recording of accounting transactions and peroration of financial statements, as well as creating an appropriate accounting system using the business database. It also introduces to the use of any one of the accounting software Simply Accounting and Quickbooks to complete an entire accounting cycle, including the production of financial statements.

Professional Skills – Trains on interpersonal skills required for successful induction and working in professional world.


Administration comprises of a huge industry which offers a variety of job openings at different levels of hierarchy. After pursuing a Diploma in Accounting Administration you can scale new heights in your profession with your skills and expertise in the area of financial accounting and administration.

Graduates with Accounting Administration become valuable members of business organizations like Finance, Insurance, Banking, Real Estate and Leasing, Business Services, Public Administration offices as well as Trade Industries.


After pursuing a Diploma in Accounting Administration you are eligible for positions falling under the following NOC Codes

NOC -1431 – Accounting Clerks – They calculate, prepare and process bills, invoices, accounts payable and receivable, budgets and other routine financial records according to established accounting procedures.

Common Job Titles which you can apply for include – Accounting Clerk , Accounts Payable Clerk, Accounts Receivable Clerk, Audit Clerk, Billing Clerk, Budget Clerk, Costing Clerk, Deposit Clerk, Finance Clerk, Freight-Rate Clerk, Invoice Clerk, Ledger Clerk, Tax Clerk, Tax Return Preparer

NOC- 1231 – Book Keeping – Bookkeepers maintain complete sets of books, keep records of accounts, verify the procedures used for recording financial transactions, and provide personal bookkeeping services.

Common Job Titles which you can apply for include – Accounting Technician, Bookkeeper, Bookkeeping clerk, senior bookkeeper etc.


Accounting and related clerks perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Calculating and preparing bills
  • Issuing bills and creating customer invoices
  • Preparing Account statements
  • Maintaining and filing Financial Records
  • Recording business transactions
  • Budgeting on the basis of revenue and expenditure analysis
  • Calculating costs and overheads for preparing quotes and prices
  • Preparing reports for presentations and discussions
  • Regular clerical duties for record maintenance

Bookkeepers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Preparing and maintaining various accounts
  • Preparing statistical, financial and various other accounting reports
  • Preparing trial balances of books
  • Posting journal entries
  • Account reconciliations
  • Calculating and preparing payroll cheques, tax returns and other bills
  • Ledger maintenance
  • Preparing financial statements
  • Performing personal bookkeeping services


Job openings in the field of Accounting usually seek a person who has completed college or other accounting and book keeping courses. Since majority of the firms are now using accounting software for management of their data, knowledge of computerized accounting software is considered an asset.

While entry level jobs ask for no experience or one to two years experience, higher positions can be sought for once you gain some practical experience in the actual workplace.


Accounting Administration course develops skills which open up a wide range of areas and industries for employment. The most common employers include Banks and related financial institutions, Government financial departments, Insurance and real estate organizations, Accounting and Book keeping firms, wholesale and retail industries, Manufacturing Units, Import and Export houses etc.




Project management is one of the essential processes of an organisation for the simple reason that it answers a lot of your questions and adds order to the company. With this, project management training is vital to ensure that you have the right skills and knowledge when it comes to managing a project.  Project management training can help you become a better person as you will have better sense of your time and resources.

Project management training carries with it several benefits for those that desire to learn the art and science of better management of projects and goals of the organisation.

So what are these benefits?

  • Project management training will teach you the importance of time and setting of goals and objectives. You will be able to prioritise these goals as well assist you making great use of your time.
  • You will know the remaining resources and needs of the company. This could be in the form of time, money or manpower. You can make use of project management training to help you determine how to estimate the resources that you will need in future projects and set realistic budgets.
  • You will learn how to produce documents for review. Every step before, during and on completion of the project should be documented. This will ensure a solid record that you can refer to or verify during review. Project management training will provide you with the skills that you need in producing well documented project completion proofs.
  • With project management training you can work better with information systems. Project management is not done manually – in this day and age! You can already make use of several applications and programs to keep track of the mile stones and progress of your projects. Project management training will show you how to work around them without creating much steeper learning curve, especially to those people who do not have great knowledge of computers or are not comfortable using them.

Many project managers learn lessons the hard way – this can cost the organisation dearly in wasted effort, cost, poor customer reputation, stress and failure to deliver the full benefits.

Professional development and training courses can fast track the development of the competencies required to deliver successful projects.

  1. Introduction to Project Management

Defining “project management”
Exploring opportunities in the project management field
Developing project management skills
Categorising different types of projects
Understanding the difference between projects and programmes

  1. Planning Your Project

Planning a project
Identifying and delivering on your client’s priorities
Managing stakeholders
Developing a project management plan
RACI Matrix
Preventing ‘scope creep’
Assessing the feasibility of a project
Identifying and managing risks

  1. Implementing Your Project

Entering into a contract
Managing a project
Setting up a project database
Creating an effective work schedule
Monitoring a project
Conducting effective meetings
Managing change
Addressing problems

  1. Project Management Techniques

Identifying organisational structures
Estimating costs and budgeting
Using critical path project management tools (WBS, Gantt chart, Project Network Diagram)
Establishing the critical path
Tracking project milestones
Using the programme evaluation and review technique (PERT tool)
Using process improvement tools (Fishbone, SIPOC)
Managing time
Controlling quality

  1. Business and Financial Issues

Understanding the importance of a business case
Developing a business case
Identifying project costs
Calculating return on investment (ROI)
Calculating a payback period
Determining net present value (NPV)

  1. The Project from Start to Finish

Identifying the life cycle of a project
Handing over a project
Closing a project
Reviewing a project

  1. People in the Project

Assembling your project team
Planning resources for your project team
Managing your project team
Managing conflict within your team
Communicating effectively
Providing leadership and fostering teamwork

  1. Your Career in Project Management

Progressing through different project management positions
Breaking into official project management
Creating your cover letter and curriculum vita
Advancing in your career: The next step after project management.

  1. Course Duration

The courses are up to 9 months in length:

–         24 weeks of classroom studies and evaluations

–         2 monthsinternship

–         1 month of project and defense 


To be eligible for this program, you prospective trainees must be holders of a GCE Advanced Level with at least 2 subjets including Mathematics (a pass grade in Computer science will be an added advantage) or a Baccalaureat with a minimum score of 12/20 in mathematics.



BUSINESS MANAGEMENT prepares students for positions within the fields of accounting, marketing, business, human resources, project management, and office administration. Training is extensive and broad to prepare students for all business management opportunities in a wide range of industries and organizations.

Students also learn various software to be skilled in document processing, spreadsheet manipulation, database entry, and presentation design and delivery, which makes them more employable for any business environment.


Business Management students learn many facets of business and accounting areas, so they can apply for jobs in various fields. They learn human resource management, project management, and marketing skills to make them suitable for many industries. Students also learn management fundamentals, making it possible for them to begin in higher level or supervisory positions, instead of entry level only, as students are equipped with the core business principles and entrepreneurial skills necessary to work in and manage small to medium-size enterprises. Students also learning entrepreneurial skills, including business plan development, which positions them to potentially open their own business.


Student Success Strategy – Trains on techniques & skills to achieve success in personal and professional life.

Computer Fundamentals and Internet – Trains on basic computer skills, creating and managing documents and using internet.

Keyboarding Skills – Helps learn how to touch type for improved speed and accuracy on the keyboard.

Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint – Introduces word processing, spread sheets, PowerPoint presentations.

Microsoft Word– Advanced proficiency in customizing the Microsoft Word environment, macros, mail merge, form fields, and more.

Microsoft Excel – Develops skills in customizing the Excel Interface and working with advanced proficiency functions and worksheets.

Microsoft Access – Assists in designing database, controlling data entry and application enhancement through database utilities.  

Microsoft PowerPoint– Introduces slides, transitions, animation, and many features to create a dramatic presentation.

Microsoft Outlook – Explores the basic and advanced features of Outlook.

English I – Develops college-level grammar, vocabulary, sentence variety, paragraph structure, reading, and writing skills, which are necessary for success in all other courses.

Administrative Procedures – Educates and trains about the dynamic work environment in Canadian businesses and offices.

Human Resource Management – Elaborates need for human resources and how to maintain an efficient & effective workforce.

Business Mathematics – Provides the foundation in Mathematics and related concepts used in businesses and industries.

Financial Accounting I – Provides fundamental concepts of accounting, analyzing & recording financial transactions, preparing income statements and fund flow analysis.

Financial Accounting II – Introduces various categories of capital assets, their amortization and accounting for intangible assets.

Simply Accounting – Deals with creating data files, making journal entries, Accounts receivable and payable, bank reconciliations using Simply Accounting software.

Quick Books – Deals with creating data files, making journal entries, Accounts receivable and payable, bank reconciliations using Quick Books software.

Business Values and Ethics – Introduces the basic categories and framework of business ethics.

Business Communication – Introduces the principles of effective written and oral communication.

Introduction to Marketing – offers insight into the marketing functions in the business enterprise, market segmentation, target marketing and other key elements in marketing product, place, price, and promotion.

Corporate and Business Law I – Introduction to the Canadian Legal System, courts, tribunals, and procedures, including torts, contract law, sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations. Explore employment law, termination and dismissal, collective bargaining, and consumer protection and safety. Students also learn about environmental law, real estate laws and land transactions, intellectual property, patents, trademarks, bankruptcy and insolvency in Canada, and associated legislation.

Economics – Introduction to an understanding of micro economics, macroeconomics, and the role of economics in all industries and managerial decision making. Covers economic forecasting, game theory, production theory, consumer behavior theory, pricing theories and strategies

Fundamentals of E-Commerce – Covers trends, growth and increasing opportunities in the electronic business area. Also covers issues related to management, planning, and design of electric business.

Introduction To Entrepreneurship – Looks at entrepreneurial behavior; the role of the entrepreneur in society; conditions necessary for it to evolve; the development of venture, acquisition, and expansion.

Preparing a Business Plan – Students get the opportunity to investigate a new business venture of their interest and determine its feasibility. Students will prepare a business plan and present their products and services in a professional manner.

Fundamentals of Management – examines management processes, structure and behavior, focusing on the changing nature of management. Emphasis is placed on global management perspectives, individual and group decision making, organization culture and structure design.

Project Management – Introduces project management skills, PMBOK, the triple constraint, and qualities of a strong project and successful project leader.

Crisis Intervention Training – how to recognize the signs of escalating behaviour, how a manager should respond appropriately during episodes of chaos, and how to protect yourself and others from risk of injury. 

Professional Skills – Trains on interpersonal skills required for successful induction and working in professional world.


Earning a Diploma in Business Management opens doors to a vast array of opportunities. This diploma is a merging of the courses from the Accounting Administration program and from the Business Administration program, with the preferred courses from the Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management. Students are therefore training in three key areas for optimum employment opportunities — accounting, business, and management.


After earning a diploma in Business Management, graduates are eligible for positions falling under the following NOC Codes

1431 – Accounting and related clerks calculate, prepare and process bills, invoices, accounts payable and receivable, budgets and other financial records according to established procedures. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors.

1221– Administrative Officers oversee and implement administrative procedures, establish work priorities, conduct analyses of administrative operations and co-ordinate acquisition of administrative services such as office space, supplies and security services. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors. Administrative officers who are supervisors are included in this group.

1411 – General office support workers prepare correspondence, reports, statements and other material, operate office equipment, answer telephones, verify, record and process forms and documents such as contracts and requisitions and perform general clerical duties according to established procedures. They are employed in offices throughout the public and private sectors.

1422 – Data entry clerks input coded, statistical, financial and other information into computerized databases, spreadsheets or other templates using a keyboard, mouse, or optical scanner, speech recognition software or other data entry tools. They are employed in the private and public sectors.

1222 – Executive assistants co-ordinate administrative procedures, public relations activities and research and analysis functions for members of legislative assemblies, ministers, deputy ministers, corporate officials and executives, committees and boards of directors. They are employed by governments, corporations and associations.


Business Managers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Analyze and provide advice on the managerial methods and organization of a public or private sector establishment.
  • Conduct research to determine efficiency and effectiveness of managerial policies and programs.
  • Conduct assessments and propose improvements to methods, systems and procedures in areas such as operations, human resources, records management and communications.
  • Plan the reorganization of the operations of an establishment.
  • Supervise employees and administrative staff.
  • Evaluate financial risk, prepare financial forecasts, financing scenarios and other documents concerning capital management, and write reports and recommendations.
  • Plan short- and long-term cash flows and assess financial performance.
  • Analyze and manage projects


A bachelor’s degree or college diploma in business administration, accounting administration, commerce or a related discipline is usually required.

Job openings in the field of Accounting usually seek a person who has completed college or other accounting and book keeping courses. Since majority of the firms are now using accounting software for management of their data, knowledge of computerized accounting software is considered an asset.

Job openings in the field of Business Administration usually seek a person who has completed college or other Business Administration courses. Since computerized record maintenance is the need of the hour in any organization, knowledge of basic computers with some specialization in Microsoft Office Applications is a desired asset. Good communications skills are desired to be an effective Business Administrator.

While entry level jobs ask for no experience or one to two years experience, higher positions can be sought for once you gain some practical experience in the actual workplace.


There are numerous job opportunities for Business Managers in the field of business, accounting, banking, human resource, marketing, and economic sectors both at small to medium, and medium to large corporations. Graduates can contribute towards the strategic growth of any business – potentially even their own business.


Logistics, Transportation, Supply Chain Management Course

This course will allow you to have a big picture of the orchestration of logistics/transportation presenting the different means of transportation.

This is my humble experience of 20 years as CEO of my company of export/import in China and Professor for several MBA business schools throughout the world. It means this is concrete and not purely theoretical but down to earth and practical!

This course stands for the fruit of operational 20 years of real experience meaning thereby rich of many testimonies, tips and advice…

We will cover a maximum of examples with simulations, case studies, and real testimonies. Therefore you will have at the end a maximum of operational tools and templates to use for your own business.

Concretely what will you learn?

1-How does it work? The big picture for logistics and transportation

2-How to organize/manage a shipment from A to Z

3-How to define the responsibilities through Incoterms

4-How to calculate the costs per type of transportation

5-How to manage the key documents for exporting/importing

NB: This course can be seen as the part of the big picture “International Trade Import and Export” which includes 3 other courses of mine;

1-Prospection and negotiation

2-Sourcing and buying/purchasing

3-Production follow-up and quality assurance

4-Transportation and logistics

NB: In addition to that, as a kind of bonus and for free, I share with you my YouTube channel

Just type “Aurelien Millot Master Key(s)” you will find it. It is for opening your mind, discovering new perspectives of life in general for those who are on a certain quest for the meaning of life… Who knows! A word to the wise?

Wishing you a nice journey with this course, of course! 


Who this course is for:

Beginners who want to discover transportation and logistics from scratch

Students of business school who want to have skills and experience for starting their career

Buyers, purchasers, product managers already working who want to deepen transportation and logistics with new perspectives and operational dimensions

People who launch their company with great idea but need to handle the transportation and logistics for their items for their business

Customs and Transit Course

Clearing and Forwarding Diploma

This course will cover the Clearing and Forwarding industry with a particular focus on International Contracts, Sea Freight and Customs. 


There are 11 Modules

1. Clearing and Forwarding Terminology

2. The Freight Forwarding Business

3. Transport Modes

4. Shipping Role Players

5. Vessel and Cargo Types

6. Goods Classification and Duties

7. International Customs and Shipping Documentation

8. International Trade Law and Sales Contracts

9. Incoterms 2020

10. International Payments

11. Forwarding Operations

How does it work?


With the successful completion of this Diploma course you will be able to:

– Secure a position in the Freight Forwarding industry,

– Be eligible for advancement within your company,

– Be confident that you are professionally trained and equipped for the Freight Forwarding Industry.


Nine and a half month’s part time or 24 weeks full time for the Clearing and Forwarding Diploma.

Part time studies – where you study part time in the evenings and on weekends using our online training program.

Full time studies – when you take time off work to study full time using our online training program.

Recommended study time set aside – for Part Time Studies we would recommend that you would need to set aside 3 to 4 hours a week and for Full Time Studies 12 to 16 hours a week. The time will vary depending on the students original knowledge of the course material. The time needed to complete the course will vary depending on the students original knowledge of the course material.


Study Plan and Assessment – Each week you will be sent an email notifying you of your Study Plan and Assessment program. You will then access your e-campus to complete your studies.

PDF Course Notes – A soft copy of your full course module in a PDF format will be available on your e-Campus for you to download. You will then be able to print a hard copy for study purposes if you choose. There are two exams for each course module. Please note we don’t offer video lessons for our courses.

Online Exams – all your online exams are completed on your e-Campus.


Personal e-Tutor – You will be nominated a personal e-Tutor, all communication with your e-Tutor will be done via email.

Personal Course Plan – Your may download and save a Personal Course Schedule Spreadsheet from your e-Campus, you can record your progress on this document.

Past Exam Papers – You have one free past exam paper with model answers at the end of your PDF course notes (except the Terminology or Foundation Courses). This will assist you in preparing for your exams.

Study Tips for Exams – You can read about our study tips on your e-Campus.

Fun Merchant Shipping Quiz – You can try out our fun quiz to experience what your exams will “look and feel” like.


– Course E-Campus – this is where you will access your course notes and complete all your exams online.


– English language, all courses are written in English as this is the primary language of global business.

– Computer, internet connection and printer (should you wish to print the course notes).

– A valid e-mail address and

– Time set aside to study as per the course requirements.


Sum total of all your Pilot exams = 40% of your final mark.  Two online exams with a time limit will be required to be completed for each module.

Assignment = 20% of your final mark. An assignment at the end of the diploma course is required, the assignment will be sent to you via e-mail and you need to submit this back to your Tutor for grading and feedback.

Final exam = 40% of your final mark. Your final exam will be conducted online with a time limit and will encompass all your course material.

Final mark = 100%

Pass mark = 65%


On successfully passing your Diploma course you will be sent an e-Diploma Certificate via email.

Should you wish to receive an original Diploma there is an additional production cost of usd80 which you may request and make payment at the end of your course.

Hospitality &Hospitality & Tourism MgtTourism Mgt

The travel industry can be very rewarding. Not only could you work in amazing places and hotels around the world but you could also benefit your own town or community by encouraging tourism to it. In order to succeed, you need a lot of background knowledge about the hospitality trade: everything from handling guests’ complaints to knowing how to keep enough food and beverages in stock. Our affordable courses will ground you in all aspects of hotel operations and general hospitality management plus we offer training in English specifically for the service trade. After all, English is a global language and almost everyone working in tourism needs to know how to speak it.

In just a few clicks, you could be starting your career in this exciting sector. Register Now and choose as many courses as you like. Once you have completed a course, you have the advantage of obtaining a certificate under the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training. With proper training, you will soon be able to explore job opportunities around the world and embark on a career with limitless opportunities for both you and travellers of the globe.



Bef Vocational Training Institute

@Gicmtc Education House




Tel: (237) 222.31.O3.83 /  

GSM: 677.53.42.47 / 699.20.98.77

WhatsApp/Mobile: 655.22.71.44                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Driving School Module

Learn to drive a car: driving course & exam preparation

Your extra driving lessons with tips and tricks to become a smooth and confident driver.

What you’ll learn

Learn how to drive in practice through drive-along, explanation and graphics

Identify flaws and risks and replay the lessons as often as you need to smooth them out

Drive smoothly and confidently

Tips and recommendations before heading into your driving exam

Unfortunately we can’t take you out in an actual car as this is an online course, but we try to bring the experience as close to it as possible.

This course includes:

1.5 hours on-demand video

4 downloadable resources

Access on mobile and TV

Full lifetime access

Certificate of completion

Course content

19 sections • 47 lectures • 1h 28m total length

Expand all sections


A little heads up

 Course setup

Exercise 1 – Personal challenges

Outside the car

Inside the car

Getting ready to go


Driving in reverse


Smooth driving


Highways and merging

9 more sections




Driving can be a daunting task if you lack the experience or the knowledge. Learners commonly feel unconfident when they step into the car next to their examiner for their final exam and make unnecessary mistakes because of it. This often results in insecurity, which drags on into their future driving time.

Our lessons are packed with tips, tricks and how-to’s to help you enjoy driving. Whether you simply want to improve your driving skills, become a more confident driver or want to pass that driving exam, this is your course. Maybe you’re currently taking real-life lessons, but you only get so many before your money runs out, and you very well might be able to use a few more. Extra lessons aren’t cheap, exams aren’t cheap, you want to get it right on your first try. This course has your extra lessons! You can rewatch them over and over until you know how it’s done and you know you can do it, too. After all, it’s only driving. Millions of people are doing it, there’s no reason why you can’t. All you need is someone to help you on your way. Our lessons will take care of that for you!


Please note that, as it’s an online course, we cannot take you on an actual drive. We show you what real-world driving is like and how you should deal with and act in a variety of situations. We purposely steer clear of ‘classroom-teaching’ and (with some exceptions) avoid teaching the rules of driving that you would learn in a theoretical course. We try to give as much of an insight in how your practical driving will be through videos, animations, etc and provide the maximum of what we can provide through a computer screen as far as practical driving goes.


Who this course is for:

Anyone who is learning to drive

Anyone who is preparing for their driving exam

Anyone who wants to be a better or more confident driver


Course Description

Have you ever seen those old black and white (or brown and white) pictures of pioneers? No one smiled, the women always wore gloves, and the children’s faces were smudgy. In those days, the cameras required a longer period of time to capture the image than today. That explains why the children were always blurry, and possibly why no one smiled! If your pictures are turning out that way, or if you simply want to take better pictures, this course will help! After all, it doesn’t matter what kind of camera you own, you don’t own it for the sake of owning a camera–you own a camera so you can get nice pictures.

This course will help you discover how to use the camera you have–no matter how fancy or simple it is–so that you can take great pictures.

Here’s what you will learn:

– You will discover the differences in modern cameras, and find a recommendation for which one you should buy, if you are in the market for one.
– You will learn what the pro’s do, and how you can do the same thing for less.
– You will find step-by-step instructions on how to make great photos that are worthy of submission to any local photography contest.
– You will read about real life photography experiences from amateur photographers “just like you” who have something interesting to share.
– You will discover more than just how to press your camera’s button
– You will follow several examples through the course to show you the range of photography options available to you.
– You will read about camera lenses, exposure, and lighting in a way that actually helps you understand rather than confuses you more with technical jargon.
– You will actually see photographs that compare different types of techniques to help you learn how different settings produce different results.

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand basic camera operations.


  • Summarize operating a camera.


  • Summarize types of film.


  • Demonstrate aperture and shutter speeds.


  • Identify TTL light meter.


  • Demonstrate depth of field.


  • Determine how to choose appropriate lenses.


  • Demonstrate lighting techniques.


  • Demonstrate flash photography.


  • Determine filter use with your camera.


  • Summarize steady shooting techniques.


  • Describe film and its use in the today’s world.


  • Determine enhancing photograph techniques.


  • Demonstrate organizing picture techniques.


  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.



Assessment Guide



Lesson 1 Assignment: Introductory Questions

1 points

Lesson 1 Quiz

25 points

Lesson 2 Assignment: Practice Taking a Picture that tells a story

25 points

Lesson 2 Quiz

20 points

Lesson 3 Assignment: Testing Types of Film

25 points

Lesson 3 Quiz

15 points

Lesson 4 Assignment- Practice Taking a Better Picture

20 points

Lesson 4 Quiz

6 points

Lesson 5 Assignment: Practice Using a Light Meter and/or Gray Card

20 points

Lesson 5 Quiz

6 points

Lesson 6 Assignment: Depth of Field Pictures

20 points

Lesson 6 Quiz

7 points

Lesson 8 Quiz

9 points

Lesson 9 Quiz

20 points

Lesson 10 Assignment: Practice These Lighting Conditions

20 points

Lesson 10 Quiz

8 points

Lesson 11 Assignment: Practice Using Your Flash

20 points

Lesson 11 Quiz

9 points

Lesson 12 Quiz

8 points

Lesson 13 Quiz

7 points

Lesson 14 Quiz

9 points

Lesson 15 Quiz

15 points

Final Assignment: Show Us a Good Picture Now!

25 points

Lesson 16 Quiz

7 points