School of Languages

Home Languages

Our School of Languages

At 24 years old, Befacademy – Language School  is one of the oldest English language schools in Yaounde, Cameroon.

We offer a wide of English courses for anyone over the age of 3, including general English, English for Academic Purposes, Legal English, Medical English, Aviation English, Military English, Business English and more. Befacademy also offers French, German, Spanish and Italian Courses leading to international certifications. For intermediate candidates, TOEFL, TOEIC, SAT, IELTS, TEF, TCF, CELI, DELI, ZDAF, etc can be obtained in 4 weeks.

Personalised study plans for each of its students allow teachers to home in on areas that require improvement, and its online learning course gives students outside of Yaounde the chance to study English or any other language with them too.

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