LEAD-IN In BOOK IN FOCUS today, K.K Bonteh focuses on Tension Across Kinbin by Ndimancho T. Nyowke, a budding writer. The drama piece is anenthralling tale of conflict, courage, and the enduring spirit of resistance which presents the cause, the consequences and even the solutions to the present and future futile battles. K.K. Bonteh equally catches up with Dimla Bertrand Sema, Translator and CEO, Language Prime Consultancy who attempts an analysis for the contemporary Cameroonian context. INTRODUCTION Like in Ngogi Wa Thiongo’s “The River Between”, two Fondoms in rural Cameroon called Mbin and Santoh sit on two separate ridges divided by the Kinbin River. The Fondoms are rivals but are united linguistically, culturally and even by the same river that separates them for water and livelihood. Both Fondoms adopt different approaches to resolving their conflicts: rational and irrational. While instinctively, Mbin thinks that conflict can only be attained through valour, rationally, Santoh considers the peaceful approach except backed by genuine reasons. Rich in local colour, convincing characterisation, realistic causality, and scenes grippingly entertaining, the metaphor behind the untold story is that the physical and psychological conflicts, the across the river antagonisms, as well as the outcome of actions governed by ego and hubris is a dramatic prediction of any senseless war that is, or to be. SYNOPSIS In a blurb by W.E. Richardson, he explains that “In this gripping and thought-provoking play, the Fondom of Mbin and the neighbouring Fondom of Santoh find themselves locked in a fierce battle over control of a vital river. As the scarcity of water threatens the livelihoods of both Fondoms, tension rise and the call to arms echoes through the land. Tension Across Kinbin delves into the complexities of Power,Justice and the fight for resources.Through compelling dialogue and captivating scenes, the play explores the struggles faced by the villagers of Mbin and Santoh as they navigate the undulating terrian of loyalty,unity and the consequences of their actions. Amidst the turmiol, a cast of vibrant characters emerges, each with thier own motivations and desires.From the eloquent and determined Fon Fuden to the courageous warriors of Santoh, their stories intertwine in a tale that showcases the strength of the human spirit and the power of collective action. This riveting drama, filled with suspense, emotions and moment of triumph, invites audiences to reflect on themes of justice, unity and the lengths one will go to protect their community. This play as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of standing up for what is right.” ANALYSIS In a Foreword to the play, the seasoned critic, Richardson, emphasis that wat sets this play apart is its ability to explore profound truths and universal themes, echoing the teachings of Bole Butake. Through Tension Across Kinbin: An Untold Story, the playwright delves into the complexities of human nature, the power dynamics that shapes socities, and the enduring strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The play is not only entertaining but also thought provoking, a lasting impact on audiences long after the final curtain falls. CONTEMPORARY RELEVANCE For another interpretation of the text, I caught up with Dimla Bertrand Sema, Translator and CEO, Language Prime Consultancy who attempts an analysis for the contemporary Cameroonian context. Ladies and gentlemen Tension Across Kinbin is an extraordinary play by exceptionally playwright. As Oprah Winfrey once said, each individual possesses a unique purpose in life. We all have a significant role to play, even if we haven’t yet discovered it. Our existence holds great meaning, not just for ourselves, but also for the impact we can make on the world. The world requires our service, contributions, healing, joy, and voices. Our humanity, brilliance, resilience, and courage are priceless assets. The realm of theater is constantly evolving, and it is crucial to stay abreast of the latest trends and innovations. That is why I am thrilled to introduce you all to our new play and its exceptional playwright. Mr. Ndimancho T. Nyowikeh, our emerging playwright, has dedicated years to perfecting his craft. Like the timeless works of Shakespeare, Sophocles, and Miller, Nyowikeh’s “Tension Across Kinbin” delves deep into profound themes of power, justice, and the struggle for resources. It also explores the complexities of loyalty, unity, and the consequences of one’s actions. This play raises essential questions about the human experience and the fight for survival. It is truly a must-read. In contemporary life, we can see similar themes playing out in various contexts. For example, the scarcity of resources such as water is a pressing issue in many parts of the world, leading to conflicts and tensions between communities. The struggle for power and control over resources is often at the root of these conflicts. Moreover, the play’s themes of justice and unity are relevant in today’s world, where social and political divisions are often fuelled by a lack of justice and equality. The call to stand up for what is right and to work together for the common good is more important than ever. Our budding playwright possesses a unique voice and perspective that will resonate with audiences worldwide. His work is thought-provoking and entertaining, leaving no doubt in my mind that it will achieve tremendous success. Dimla Betrand Sema A Senior Translator at Langauge Prime Consultancy. HOST: K.K. BONTEH |
Writer and Literary Critic; Pedagogic Inspector in Charge of Teaching and Promotion of Bilingualism. #https://www.befacademy.org |