✅Keynote Address Presented on The Occasion of The Launch of BEF Performance Possibility Program (BEF-PPP) By The Artistic Director, K.K. Bonteh

✅Keynote Address Presented on The Occasion of The Launch of BEF Performance Possibility Program (BEF-PPP) By The Artistic Director, K.K. Bonteh
✅ BEF Performance Possibility Program (BEF-PPP) is an innovation in teaching and learning; it is an alternative means of teaching through Language, Music, Theatre and Cinematographic techniques; it
is a craft, a business, and an adventure in Stage, Radio and Television Productions; above all, it is a positive giant step in the formalization of the film industry, making movies while learning.
It offers a creative challenge, an opportunity to work with attractive, talented, dynamic people, and a chance to make a lot of money. It can be frustrating. It is seldom boring. It is thrilling, fascinating, demanding, hard work.
✅This project , BEF-PPP, will tell you how to have fun and make money while making sure that your cinematic creations are seen by millions of people. Using our own experiences and the experiences of other successful filmmakers, we’ll teach you what we had to learn the hard way and help pave your way to success in a tough, competitive, exciting industry.
✅Sometimes getting there can seem like an impossible dream. But we want to put some flesh on your dream. We want to clothe it in reality. We want to show you how to get from where you are now to where you want to be as a professional filmmaker.
✅Right now you may feel like you’re at the bottom looking up. The ladder seems almost too high to climb. You don’t know how to get your foot on the first rung. But we know that wherever you happen to be in your career, how- ever unreachable your aspirations may seem to be, you can climb higher. We can help you take that first step. We will teach you how to make the right moves and avoid most of the pitfalls; we hope to help you reach your goal.
✅Making it in the film business takes talent, drive, ambition, expertise, initia- tive, salesmanship, persistence, and luck. Talent and luck are perhaps the least important ingredients. You have to be endowed with at least a modicum of talent, or no one can help you get off the ground. But, remember, there are many talented failures. Most of them would have been “luckier” if they had been diligent and persistent enough to fully develop and properly channel their talents and abilities.
✅Learning how to make a good movie is only half the battle. You must know how to sell it and promote it and hang on to your fair share of the profits. You must know how to deal with agents and distributors and be able to participate must kim the entire marketing process, from negotiating and signing a deal to raking in the cash.
✅We have designed this project to help you whether you want to make your way into the studio system or to produce your own low-budget movie and see it become a hit. Participating in this project will raise your level of understanding and help you perfect your talent. It will demonstrate clearly how you can go about writing, financing, producing, and directing full-length theatrical motion pictures with a realistic shot at worldwide distribution. I hope it will make it easier for you to make money making movies.
✅We help you see why now is the time for you to make your start. We intend to inspire you to launch your own career.
✅But first you have to learn the fundamentals, so we will next acquaint you with basic filmmaking equipment. We will give you tips and pointers that will help you make your films look so professional that you might be able to land commercial jobs. You’ll see how you can make an excellent living, should you choose to stay in the advertising world for a while and to prove this point, you’ll hear from filmmakers who have hit the top in that world.
✅Whether you’re working in the commercial or the theatrical end of the business, you must understand how to collaborate with the tricksters of the trade: the animators, makeup experts and special-effects wizards. That’s why we will introduce you to genuine professionals in the field.
✅With all this information (and a whole lot of practice) under your belt, you’ll be chomping at the bit to try your first feature movie. We will take you step by step through that process, from scripting, casting and shooting to screening a finished print. And getting it projected and sold to millions of ready spectators.
✅You’ll learn herein that making and selling a picture doesn’t end your
odyssey or your obligations. You need to know how to properly deliver what you’ve sold, so that the distributor won’t break the contract. You have to contribute to the promotion and publicizing of the picture, making sure it won’t flop when it hits the screen. We’ll teach you how to do all this effectively and also how to follow up and police playdates and boxoffice reports so your share of the money doesn’t elude you.
✅If you make one hit movie, you’ll want to make more. You won’t want to be a one-shot wonder-a person who makes one fluke hit and then fades out of sight.
✅Our national and international partners will join me in helping you go on to bigger and better things. No one can guarantee that you will be able to realize your dreams, but if you have the talent and the drive, this BEF-PPP will help you overcome major obstacles. It will answer many of the questions that are extremely important to the filmmaker anxious to make his mark in the industry: How can I best learn the basic techniques of movie-making? Once I succeed in learning them, how do I make use of them?
✅Who will hire me? Will I have to start at the bottom? What is the bottom, and how long will I stay there?
✅Can I make a living even if I don’t hit it big?
✅Can I make TV commercials as a sideline while I work for a chance to do my own feature film?
✅Should I work as a free-lancer or start my own company?
✅How do independent features get financed? How are they sold? Is the home video market a golden opportunity?
✅How do I negotiate a distribution contract? If I have a successful picture in distribution, how much of the money do I get to keep?
✅If I have a major or even a minor hit, does financing additional pictures become easier? Would the Collywood studios become interested in my work? How did the big-name producers and directors get where they are?
✅The answers to these questions are not easy ones. They have been bought and paid for in sweat and disappointment and sometimes triumph by the filmmakers in this project. And now they’re yours as you become a volunteer.
Artistic Director & Coordinator of BEF Performance Possibility Program (BEF-PPP)
✅ Call or WhatsApp: (+237) / 677.53.42.47
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